Rev. Pat Robertson shares powerful and dramatic testimonies of God touching lives. The 700 Club is a mix of news and commentary, interviews, feature stories, and Christian ministry.
Explore the Jewish Roots of your Christian Faith, and learn how Bible prophecy and today's world events surrounding Israel are connected to your life.
The teaching of Dr. Tony Evans of Dallas, Texas. He clearly communicates that God has real answers for real problems facing America today.
Hosted by RadiantTV Founder, Jamey Schmitz, each episode features majestic scenery of God's creation captured within the 59 U.S. National Parks, uplifting instrumental music of the Great Hymns of the Christian faith, and graphically displayed verses from the Bible. The mission of RadiantTV is to help people worship God.
Hosted by RadiantTV Founder, Jamey Schmitz, each episode features majestic scenery of God's creation captured within the 59 U.S. National Parks, uplifting instrumental music of the Great Hymns of the Christian faith, and graphically displayed verses from the Bible. The mission of RadiantTV is to help people worship God.
A seven-year-old girl is abandoned by her father and forced to shoulder his responsibilities to survive; Love a Child steps in, bringing hope and food to starving children who live in this desperate country, where finding a meal is a daily battle.
If it were left up to you, what would your plan of redemption look like? Would you send your son into the world as a baby? Would you send him at all? Dr. Sproul considers the gracious gift the Father has given to us, as he looks at "The Birth of Jesus."
Discover the mysterious and exciting world of ancient civilizations and technologies, and rich cultures from the past. Explore how those discoveries can help solve present worldwide dilemmas, and build a peaceful and solid future.
Messianic Rabbi Schneider: A Spirit-filled Jewish believer in Jesus who helps us connect the Old and New Testaments.
Dr. Randy Weiss communicates messages about the Jewish origins of the Christian faith and modern issues in Israel.
Pathway to Victory serves as the broadcast ministry of Dr. Robert Jeffress and the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. Pathway to Victory stands for truth and exists to pierce the darkness with the light of God's Word.
Learn the importance of self-control and a strategy for building great discipline in your life.
Steve Arterburn shares what is needed for change to occur and provides encouragement that despite our own defective strategies, we can be made perfect in Christ.
Theresa Rowe leads you through a series of Foam Roller Exercises designed to increase your energy, strength, flexibility, and endurance. Each exercise has a prayerfully chosen scripture verse on God's ability working in us.
An upbeat, total-body workout that will both elevate your heart and help keep your brain sharp. All fitness levels are welcome!
Join Dr. Marla as she delivers a message of hope that empowers viewers to believe all things are possible with God!
Cooking Show full of great recipes that are healthy and easy to make.
Hosted by Steve Arterburn, this program identifies then compassionately responds to the needs of those seeking healing and restoration through God's Truth. Visit for more information. To ask your question on the show, call 1-800-229-3000.
Rev. Pat Robertson shares powerful and dramatic testimonies of God touching lives. The 700 Club is a mix of news and commentary, interviews, feature stories, and Christian ministry.
Financial Issues is a live call-in program, focusing on financial stewardship and biblically responsible investing. Host and financial expert, Shana Burt, speaks to thousands of listeners who are seeking to honor God with their finances. Having been mentored by Dan Celia, Founder of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries, Shana along with her producer, Seth Udinski, have taken up the torch to educate listeners and viewers about the economy, markets, and investments from a biblical perspective
Explore the Jewish Roots of your Christian Faith, and learn how Bible prophecy and today's world events surrounding Israel are connected to your life.
James and Betty Robison host guests who speak on a variety of topics offering hope and help.
Former Navy Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD ("Dr. Chaps") defends religious freedom to pray "in Jesus' name."
Fleeing the deadly racial war in Rhodesia Africa, Robert felt the strong call of God on his life. That call would take him to Australia, a marriage of racial reconciliation (Janet), and to the U.S. Son, Stephen & wife, Annaly, raise children in faith.
The American Founders cried: "No King But Jesus!" Today, in the face of opposition and lies, Church and State fights to uphold that banner. Welcome to the popular radio show/podcast listeners are crazy for. Hear the truth, have a laugh, join the fight.
Washington news from a conservative Christian perspective. Host FRC President, Tony Perkins, discusses current issues and frequently conducts interviews with members of Congress and prominent pro-family leaders from across the nation.
Exclusive news reports and insights from CBN News Chief International Correspondent Gary Lane.
Up-to-date news from a Christian perspective.
Join host Star Parker as she discusses relevant cultural issues with her guests.
The more scientists learn, the further we are from having a workable natural explanation for the origin of life. With each new discovery, we uncover more problems than solutions. Otangelo Grasso joins James Tour for a discussion of the glorious complexity of life.
Do fossils really suggest that we evolved from lower life forms? Today we also investigate the concepts of the Multiverse, and the real story of the Big Bang. Simply put, those who say science disproves the existence of God are bluffing.
Watch Wonders Without Number as we witness the indescribable beauty of our Creator's Universe. When we consider the wonders of His creation, we begin to understand that empirical science, that which can be proven, in no way contradicts the words of scripture.
Featuring solid biblical presentations on various topics by well respected teachers and authors from the G3 Conferences held annually in Atlanta, GA.
Freakishly tall, slightly germophobic Todd Friel riffs satirically on evangelicalism. Friel is passionate about Truth and finds humor an essential ingredient in his presentation.
Hosted by CBN Chief Political Correspondent David Brody and CBN News Correspondent Jenna Browder, Faith Nation focuses on political topics that are of particular interest to Christians.