Rev. Pat Robertson shares powerful and dramatic testimonies of God touching lives. The 700 Club is a mix of news and commentary, interviews, feature stories, and Christian ministry.
Pastor Tim Hatch of Waters Church in Massachusetts applies his engaging enthusiasm to solid Bible teaching. His passion for the Gospel will inspire you, no matter what chapter of life you're in.
Dr. R.C. Sproul provides accessible, in-depth Bible teaching to millions around the world.
Discover the mysterious and exciting world of ancient civilizations and technologies, and rich cultures from the past. Explore how those discoveries can help solve present worldwide dilemmas, and build a peaceful and solid future.
Gilbert Lennox moves into part two of his series from the Books of Samuel. King David has gone through his long preparation to be King, and now the moment has arrived. Today we learn three key things about how to wield authority, and lead.
Pathway to Victory serves as the broadcast ministry of Dr. Robert Jeffress and the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. Pathway to Victory stands for truth and exists to pierce the darkness with the light of God's Word.
Learn what will happen when Christ returns to defeat and judge the rebellious nations of the world.
World Prophetic Ministry teaches Bible Prophecy in these End-Time days. On The King is Coming with Jeff Kinley, we proclaim the Good News that Christ died for our sins and is coming again soon. Jeff Kinley is a former pastor and best-selling author of 40 books. He is a recognized expert and thought leader in the field of Bible Prophecy, having authored 12 books on the subject. Jeff connects with this generation, engaging them with biblical truth in a fresh, practical way.
Theresa Rowe leads you through a series of Pilates exercises designed to increase your energy, strength, flexibility, and endurance. Each exercise has a prayerfully chosen scripture to help strengthen our spiritual foundation.
This program helps you get your body and your faith in great shape. Workouts include contemporary Christian music, motivating quotes, inspiring scripture and, of course, heart-pounding exercises.
Join Dr. Marla as she delivers a message of hope that empowers viewers to believe all things are possible with God!
Blessing Israeli Believers exists to bless and uniquely empower Israeli believers in Yeshua to be the Shining Light to Israel and the Nations of the World!
Rev. Pat Robertson shares powerful and dramatic testimonies of God touching lives. The 700 Club is a mix of news and commentary, interviews, feature stories, and Christian ministry.
Financial Issues is a live call-in program, focusing on financial stewardship and biblically responsible investing. Host and financial expert, Shana Burt, speaks to thousands of listeners who are seeking to honor God with their finances. Having been mentored by Dan Celia, Founder of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries, Shana along with her producer, Seth Udinski, have taken up the torch to educate listeners and viewers about the economy, markets, and investments from a biblical perspective
James and Betty Robison host guests who speak on a variety of topics offering hope and help.
Former Navy Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD ("Dr. Chaps") defends religious freedom to pray "in Jesus' name."
Life Recovery Today with Stephen Arterburn focuses on life transformation using the biblical principles found in the 12 step program. Discover how others have found a hope-filled new way of life and obtain insights and tools to transform your life.
The American Founders cried: "No King But Jesus!" Today, in the face of opposition and lies, Church and State fights to uphold that banner. Welcome to the popular radio show/podcast listeners are crazy for. Hear the truth, have a laugh, join the fight.
Washington news from a conservative Christian perspective. Host FRC President, Tony Perkins, discusses current issues and frequently conducts interviews with members of Congress and prominent pro-family leaders from across the nation.
CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell reports on the latest events and how they impact Israel and the stability of the Middle East.
Up-to-date news from a Christian perspective.
The Living Waters team takes the gospel to London during the Coronation of King Charles. (Part 1)
Freakishly tall, slightly germophobic Todd Friel riffs satirically on evangelicalism. Friel is passionate about Truth and finds humor an essential ingredient in his presentation.
Hosted by CBN Chief Political Correspondent David Brody and CBN News Correspondent Jenna Browder, Faith Nation focuses on political topics that are of particular interest to Christians.