An overview of the Buddhist spiritual path from basic tenets to its rituals as practiced in countries all over the world.
Gareth Young lives his spirituality not only as a practitioner of Buddhism and as an interfaith and social justice activist: He lives it by the daily decision to live lightly on the Earth.
Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice used to treat all different kinds of ailments. Christina and Peyton Young, instructors at Rising Lotus Qigong cover different exercises, healing sounds, and breathing techniques to balance Qi: energy.
Moments of Inspiration features the timeless gospel classics of days gone by and original compositions by the incomparable singing and organ virtuoso, Reverend William Womack. Hear the songs that never grow old, delivered through Womack's rich baritone voice; known for an anointing that incites listeners to the joyful praise of the glory of God. Special invited guests regularly share the musical spotlight, singing to Rev. Womack's piano accompaniment. For more than 25 years, gospel at its best comes center stage with Moments of Inspiration on AIB.
Learn and be taken on a cultural journey through one of Europe's most beautiful languages and cultures, with host and teacher Helene Toure, as she engages you with conversations and cultural notes on her native France.
From towering cathedrals to modest prayer houses, from bricks and mortar to trees and flowers, metro Atlanta and the state of Georgia are full of places where people experience a connection to the Divine through a sense of place.
Senior Fit by Bradford is a workout series featuring Exercise Physiologist and senior fitness expert Bradford Bailey designed to improve the quality of life for seniors through strength and conditioning exercises
Lampra Jones, American Sign Language teacher from Tampa, Florida takes us on a journey in this first season of Signing with Lampra.
Rev. Karl D. Moore.
Coach Sule has designed a simple way to stay fit and healthy called Martial ® Fitness
Dr. Vernette teaches you all about the Powerhouse which, when strengthened, creates the foundation for all movement.
Enhance your life with Dr. Amy J in her new series of Yoga. Dr. Amy J's passion is to enhance people's lives whether physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually. Living healthy and being happy begins with you. Take charge of your health and the rest will follow. Dr. Amy J teaches with guidance, proper alignment (a major ingredient she sates) and the willingness to let your body lead you and have fun.
Join certified Iyengar Yoga teacher Lynn Brandli as she introduces to you the Iyengar style of Yoga.
From towering cathedrals to modest prayer houses, from bricks and mortar to trees and flowers, metro Atlanta and the state of Georgia are full of places where people experience a connection to the Divine through a sense of place.
Join us for a brand new season of AIB's widely popular fitness program Flow and Balance: The Tai Chi Way. Follow along as Certified Tai Chi Instructor Cate Morrill and her diverse group of students demonstrate the transformative practice of Tai Chi. All are welcomed to physically and mentally benefit from this ancient Chinese practice.
On My American Dream, Georgians tell us how they found their calling. These out-of-the box thinkers tell us about how they chose to take a leap to turn their passions into their professions and how they are being successful at it.
Inside Islam Today takes you inside the Muslim community to learn about the traditions and tenets of the faith by those who practice the tradition.
The AIB Network focuses on the organizations and individuals making a difference in the world through community service and engagement.
First Lady of the organ, Diane Bish, shares her music with audiences across the globe.
Moments of Inspiration features the timeless gospel classics of days gone by and original compositions by the incomparable singing and organ virtuoso, Reverend William Womack. Hear the songs that never grow old, delivered through Womack's rich baritone voice; known for an anointing that incites listeners to the joyful praise of the glory of God. Special invited guests regularly share the musical spotlight, singing to Rev. Womack's piano accompaniment. For more than 25 years, gospel at its best comes center stage with Moments of Inspiration on AIB.
How and why different faith communities cut, keep or cover their hair for religious and/or cultural reasons.
Join certified pilates instructor and chiropractor Dr. Vernette as she demonstrates short workouts that pregnant women in any trimester can master.
You'll be shouting Yippee ki-yay Namaste with yoga instructor Cheryl Crawford and the kids from Fernbank Elementary School in Atlanta in this fun-filled yoga flow program.
The program engages youngsters in entertainment while fostering the importance of kindness, manners, respecting different races and cultural differences without compromising one's beliefs.
Had a long day? Instead of making dinner for your family let your kids cook for a change. We have the perfect chefs to get the job done. Join in on the fun with our children as they go across Metro Atlanta visiting local chefs that will teach you how to prepare and create great tasting meals.
Grow for Kids, we remember our place, our home, and planet Earth.
Hosted by Audrey Galex, At the Table features engaging one-on-one interviews focusing on current events, cutting edge issues and personalities.
If you find gyms inconvenient, expensive, unattractive or intimidating that doesn?t mean you can?t get in shape and workout anywhere
Dr Danny Evans takes us to his classroom to teach us more spanish and take us to an intermediate level of understanding of the language. In this 2nd season he also takes us on location to friends houses, restaurants and venues to learn different cultural aspects of several coutries (Peru, Chile, Guatemala, Colombia, Mexico).
Protestant Reformation at 500: 21st century reverberations
In the Spotlight highlights inspirational artists with intimate, one-on-one interviews.
Moments of Inspiration features the timeless gospel classics of days gone by and original compositions by the incomparable singing and organ virtuoso, Reverend William Womack. Hear the songs that never grow old, delivered through Womack's rich baritone voice; known for an anointing that incites listeners to the joyful praise of the glory of God. Special invited guests regularly share the musical spotlight, singing to Rev. Womack's piano accompaniment. For more than 25 years, gospel at its best comes center stage with Moments of Inspiration on AIB.
If you have always wanted to learn Arabic, then this program is the perfect opportunity! Hang with us to learn all the letters of the Arabic alphabet, basic greetings and cultural concepts in the Middle East. By the time we get through, you?ll be on your way to reading Arabic and opening many doors to a whole new world ahead of you. There will be something to learn for everyone!
From towering cathedrals to modest prayer houses, from bricks and mortar to trees and flowers, metro Atlanta and the state of Georgia are full of places where people experience a connection to the Divine through a sense of place.
'"Law & Society" is a current affairs talk show that covers legal matters, particularly those impacting everyday people.
AIB's Life Plus is a 13-part series focusing on issues and trends that people of all ages care about, yet are of special interest and concern to people in our later years. From age-friendly cities to ordinary people doing extraordinary things, Life Plus invites the AIB audience to explore healthy aging -- body, mind and spirit.
The AIB Network focuses on the organizations and individuals making a difference in the world through community service and engagement.
Historical societies, archives and museums not only hold in trust the physical evidence of eras past, but the stories of the people, places and events that have shaped our communities and our lives. Join us as we uncover these stories, often hidden away in places you'd least expect or drive by regularly.