Hosted by Martin Hale, this program guides us through the Arthur B. Ripley Desert Woodland State Park, in far northern Los Angeles County, which we learn was named for an environmentally forward-thinking farmer, Arthur "Archie" Ripley, who donated 566 acres to the state of California in order to protect and preserve what is now one of the last virgin Joshua tree forests in the Antelope Valley. We meet author ("A Flower-Watcher's Guide to Wildflowers of the Western Mojave Desert") and naturalist Milt Stark who educates us about this area's beloved Joshua trees and California junipers, which once grew in great abundance throughout the valley. Then Martin continues our tour of this desert preserve introducing us to the following flora: "California Buckwheat"; "Scarlet Bugler"; "Linear-leaf Goldenbush"; "Blue Sage"; "Parry Gilia"; "Rock Cress."
Broadcast In: English Duration: 0:24:37