"A Birthday Party for Kendra" Pinkalicious is shocked to hear Kendra has never celebrated a birthday before so she decides to throw her a surprise party with the help of their friends! But a pinkaperfect party isn't what Kendra had in mind. Curriculum: (Visual Arts) Different people react differently to colors and visual styles. "Norman Plans a Playdate" Norman the Gnome is really excited - his friend Edna is coming over to play! Pinkalicious and Peter put their gnome-thinking caps on to help Norman plan the perfect playdate. Curriculum: (Theatre / Visual Arts) - Use role play to experiment with interacting with different types of people (and to help understand different types of personalities). Interstitial: Kids meet comic book creator LJ Baptiste and learn how choosing different color palettes can convey a variety of feelings.
Broadcast In: English Duration: 0:28:45