Tara watches in shock as a gruesome apparition disappears into a freshly dug grave. Investigating further, Tara sparks outrage and threats when she digs up the consecrated grave and unleashes a super bug that spreads throughout Rabbit Fall. Will the mysterious little girl's gift to Tara help her stop the wide-spreading disease before it's too late?
Gina and Cameron get a shock after treating a gunshot victim. Nancy receives a surprise visit and request from her eldest son Sean. Marley's biological grandmother shows up on Eva's doorstep, sending Amanda and Trevor into a tailspin. Mylo learns the truth behind her father's death.
Aboriginal women serving in Canada's armed forces are often introduced to military service through an Aboriginal program such as Raven, Bold Eagle or Black Bear. But once they integrate as regular soldiers, they are treated just like anyone else. No favouritism means equal opportunity for all - whether for promotion, or for postings in war zones overseas.
Gracey meets up again with Brett Tippie and goes back to where his freeride mountain bike career all started, Kamloops British Columbia. Gracey recaptures Brett's magazine cover shots from his early career.
Three Indigenous entrepreneurs tempt the Bears' taste buds with their delicious creations, including custom-designed cakes, microbrewery bespoke beers and a unique line of bitters.
The Life in the Bear reveals the reverence with which a bear is hunted, and the feast of the bear party.
Dan and Art are trying the Ibiza signature dish Bullit de Peix (fish stew) and Dan decides to make his own version. First, they must go fishing. Dan teaches Art various techniques including fishing with bread. The guys are invited to cook at SOS, a family owned restaurant in Cala Llonga.
Visitors from around the world visit a settlement called Old Minto to learn the traditional ways of Native Alaskans as part of cultural heritage program.
Part 1 of 2. A look at the rise and fall of the Aztec empire, which once flourished in what is now Mexico but was destroyed in a series of battles with Spanish explorer Hern'n Cort's, who arrived with his army in 1519.
Conclusion. A look at the rise and fall of the Aztec empire, which once flourished in what is now Mexico but was destroyed in a series of battles with Spanish explorer Hern'n Cort's, who arrived with his army in 1519.
Haida and Cree singer Kristi Lane Sinclair shares her emotional journey of returning to Haida Gwaii to find love and forgiveness. In this episode dedicated to Kristi's late mother, Kristi connects with close friend and fellow creator Sara Roque.
The road has been a long and tough one as the four participants gather together one more time for the final fitness test. The numbers on the scale will reveal whether or not they have met their fitness goals.
Teepee writes his name; Teepee eats lunch in the school cafeteria for the first time.
Do you feel djoorabiny, do you feel happy? Or do you feel menditj, do you feel sick? Make sure you share how you feel with someone who cares. It's moorditj koolangka!
Tiga is not very good at listening - he continually gets distracted while Kimmie tries to read him a story. She gets fed up and decides not to bother. Tiga and Kokum take the bus to visit Jason's pre- school at Lauwel- new, the Tsartlip Band School where they learn about listening and LLL words. After school, Tiga goes to Auntie May's house to see about spinning with sheep's wool and makes pompoms for touques. Back at home Jason drums and sings the butterfly song in Sencoten, and later we see firsthand that Gavin is not good at landing. Tiga is now a much better listener and begs Kimmie to finish the butterfly story, which she does, proving that Tiga has indeed LLL Learned.
On a trek to see the stars at a special place in the woods where Buddy sees lots of natural wonders but Joe and Nina are more interested in the games on a cell phone. When Buddy sees Smudge has wondered off into trouble the others finally realize they must pay attention and even use technology to help with the rescue. When a new playmate arrives, Nina becomes increasingly competitive but finds she's not the best at everything. A baby otter needs rescuing and Nina and the friend discover that working together as a duo they can equally contribute to saving the day.
Little J is determined to win the tin roller race at the school picnic. Tin rollers are the latest school craze, and the school picnic race will be Little J's chance to prove his roller is the fastest. Meanwhile Big Cuz struggles to understand why Mirra doesn't like picnics. Can Big Cuz change Mirra's mind?
When no one can make Swooper the magpie better, Little J struggles to say goodbye. Little J, Big Cuz and Levi find old magpie Swooper lying on the ground. Little J's hopeful they can make him better, but sadly he dies. Nanna encourages the kids to give him a good send off, once Little J accepts that Swooper's gone.
Amy re-caps all the adventures and lessons learned in season 1
When two Northern strangers come to Wapos Bay, Talon and T-Bear learn the value of their own traditions. T-Bear and a new kid from Nunavut sweat it out to prove who Wapos Bay's best athlete is. And Talon is in awe of a star hockey player who visits the community. T-Bear realizes that his family has taught him how to navigate his way on the hockey ice and out on the land. He also learns that cooperating is more important than competing. And Talon sees what a great role model his dad Alphonse is.
We meet archaeologist Dr. Rudy Reimer to study the ground beneath out feet and Kai shows us how to make our own rocks!
Sara Lufrano is the owner of the newly opened Paniolos in Kailua. She joins us in our kitchen at Kualoa Ranch to make their famous Paniolo Steak Tacos.
In this episode, Chef Kelly is in Saint-Suzanne and Saint-Denis, Reunion Island, to revisit the "rougaille saucisses." For her revisit, she meets with Charles, a spicy mixes specialist, as well as a pork butcher, Yoland.
Theda shares her life story about growing up in C&A Country and the various relocations she had to endure as a child. Norma and Pat discuss the importance of teaching the language to our youth and the obstacles they face.
Interview with Tammy Suomi, mother of Fond du Lac tribal member Jackie Defoe, who was killed in March 2020 along with her young son; Tewa Women United in New Mexico, and their vision to end violence against women, girls, and Mother Earth.
The boys get the chance to develop their personal skills with J.P. Vigier in a series of unique drills and exercises. After a long day's work, the boys look forward to a good stretch. However, their yoga session proves to be slightly unorthodox, as a few four-legged friends join the fray.
Stakes are high for Gracey with a looming photo pitch to Freeskier Magazine and a photo submission featuring young rising star freeskier Dylan Marineau. Expert advice from adventure photographer Krystle Wright has Gracey changing direction mid shoot to increase her chances of success.
The Youth have their final weigh-ins and recap their experience.
On this episode, Juaquin begins construction of a Men's Southern Straight Dance shirt. Joining Juaquin is notable Southern Straight Dancer, Red Sky Wahpepahh.
The Native Drum, hosted by master drum maker, Shawn Littlebear is a how-to television series. Littlebear is a traditional drum maker who shares with us his techniques for making drums.
KVCR and FNX interview Audiopharmacy, the San Francisco based international art / music collective. The music is a fusion of live world, hip hop, dub, soul and roots culture.
Dan and Art are trying the Ibiza signature dish Bullit de Peix (fish stew) and Dan decides to make his own version. First, they must go fishing. Dan teaches Art various techniques including fishing with bread. The guys are invited to cook at SOS, a family owned restaurant in Cala Llonga.
Dave travels to Writing On Stone Provincial Park in Alberta before heading south to meet with a Native American Solar Pyographer.
KVIE Arts Showcase celebrates arts from around the world and right here at home. Come with us as we experience America's most interesting and talented artists.
Lucinda Hinojos, known professionally as La Morena, was commissioned by the NFL as the first Native American artist to design theme art for a Super Bowl. Her artwork was featured on Super Bowl LVII tickets, displays, footballs and more. Amongst this notable work is a 9, 500-square-foot mural, the largest to date created for a Super Bowl. La Morena, who is Chicanx, Apache, O'odham and Yaqui, enlisted the help of other Indigenous Artists from various Native and Indigenous Nations to complete the mural in just 22 days. It was a team driven by strong and resilient women. Native Hope Champions: Las Morenas, is a segment that highlights some, but not all of the artists, including "CC" Carie Sage Curley (Apache), Eunique Yazzie (Navajo), Anitra "Yukue" Molina (Pascua Yaqui), and Jessie Yazzie (Dine').
This episode features a conversation with cultural leaders and community stakeholders, including, Aaron Leggett, the Chief of the Denaina Eklutna Athabascan people, and the Special Exhibit Curator at the Anchorage Museum. The subject of these conversation is about the Indigenous Place Names Movement, and an event that was taking place on this particular day of unveiling the first place marker reclaiming the Denaina Eklutna Athabaskan original place name of Chanstnu, which for many years prior had been called Westchester Lagoon. A goal of Aaron and others behind this movement is to carry out the rest of this project's vision by reclaiming the original indigenous place names and denoting them with place markers all over the city of anchorage. There are also plans for a digital, oral history walking tour that people can use to explore anchorage and understand its indigenous history. The hope is that the take away is why indigenous place renaming is important, and how it helps community members define their cultural identities today by strengthening their resolve to chart their path forward as an individual connected to their heritage. A goal for the Indigenous Place Names project is for it to be used as a model for other places around the state of Alaska and other places that have strong indigenous ties. It's a model for indigenous place renaming that is sustainable and meant to last. https://anchorageparkfoundation. org/current-projects/indigenous-placemaking/ Thank you for watching this episode of Culture Stories.
Democracy Now! is an award-winning, independent, noncommercial, nationally-distributed public television news hour. Produced each weekday, Democracy Now! is available for public television stations free of charge.
Theda shares her life story about growing up in C&A Country and the various relocations she had to endure as a child. Norma and Pat discuss the importance of teaching the language to our youth and the obstacles they face.
Tom tells Shayla that the Ojibwa legends in Thunder Bay are worth checking out. In particular, he wants her to go find out about and see The Sleeping Giant.
Trevor is challenged to use his "gift" when he and Cheyenne are confronted with serious danger. Justin begins to wonder whether his new buddy, Brody, hints of danger. Liz flirts with another type of danger when she makes a detour to see Matthew while she's on her trip to purchase a wedding dress for her marriage to John Eagle.
Features the rusty blues/hip hop fusion of Wild The Coyote & BADD WOLF (Choctaw). We'll let their swagger speak for itself, this one is a good'un!
The hosts are meeting Dan's friend Matt at one of the trendy beach restaurants of Ibiza and Matt challenges Dan to cook at his countryside estate. Dan accepts the offer and the guys immediately set out to gather ingredients. It's not a hunt nor are they fishing, they plan to gather all their goods from local markets and gardens!
KVCR and FNX interview Audiopharmacy, the San Francisco based international art / music collective. The music is a fusion of live world, hip hop, dub, soul and roots culture.
RE-KEN-SIL-E-A-SHEN is a poignant feature-length documentary from two-spirit Me'tis filmmaker Jamie Bourque-Blyan, where Jamie unearths painful truths about his family's past, and connects with fellow survivors of conquest and colonization to explore how other countries including South Africa, Croatia, and New Zealand - have engaged in the process of truth and reconciliation post-atrocity, and how alternative approaches to healing through collective memory might be applied in Canada.
Pivot is a play on words. It is a skateboard trick, and an art exhibit showcasing the use of skateboard decks as a canvas. But the word "Pivot" itself has a deeper meaning. This documentary explores the meaning of the word "pivot" in many indigenous communities, and showcases the artwork, history and people behind this unique display of talent from native artists of all ages.