This program addresses what decimals mean and how they used. Decimals to the left of decimal point are whole numbers, whereas those to the right are fractions. Features a bank teller discussing the importance of decimals with money, and how an error of one decimal place can be costly. Also featured are several instructors showing on a blackboard how to perform various functions, including changing fractions and percents to decimals. When reading a decimal, the place to the far right of the decimal point gives the fraction its name, e.g., tenths, hundredths, thousandths. The word "and" in a number denotes a value less than one. The comparative value of one decimal to another is determined by looking at the whole number from left to right. Dividing by a decimal involves moving the decimal point to the right the same number of places in both the divisor and the dividend so that both are whole numbers.
Broadcast In: English Duration: 0:26:40