Weston Woods Animated Children's Books
Examine the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and their relationships to whole numbers. Work with area models for multiplication and division. Explore the use of two-color chips to model operations with positive and negative numbers.
In mathematics, symmetry has more than just a visual or geometric quality. Mathematicians comprehend symmetries as motions
Investigate the circumference and area of a circle. Examine what underlies the formulas for these measures, and learn how the features of the irrational number pi (π) affect both of these measures.
Weston Woods Animated Children's Books
Watch Videos 11 and 12 in the 10th session for grade 68 teachers. Explore how the concepts developed in this course can be applied through case studies of grade 68 teachers (former course participants) who have adapted their new knowledge to their classrooms.
In his tribute to Revolutionary War sites in New York City, Dave also pay tribute to contemporary New York, the eastern terminus of the Lincoln Highway in New York City, and the New York tradition of Lombardi's pizza. Beginning at the Shrine to Liberty on Long Island, Dave recalls how their overnight retreat and the dense fog that descended saved Washington's troops. Dave explains that prisoners of war were kept in horrible conditions on ships in the Hudson River and that 20,000 of the 30,000 Hessian troops hired to supplement the British army died from unsanitary conditions, rather than battle wounds. The defeat at Fort Washington is followed by the Battle of Harlem Heights that renews the faith of Americans that they can win the war against the British.
Learn about the classifications of triangles, their different properties, and relationships between them. Examine concepts such as triangle inequality, triangle rigidity, and sidesideside congruence, and look at the conditions that cause them. Compare how these concepts apply to quadrilaterals. Explore properties of triangles and quadrilaterals through practical applications such as building structures.
Systems of synchronization occur throughout the animate and inanimate world. The regular beating of the human heart, the swaying and near collapse of the Millennium Bridge, the simultaneous flashing of gangs of fireflies in Southeast Asia: these varied phenomena all share the property of spontaneous synchronization. This unit shows how synchronization can be analyzed, studied, and modeled via the mathematics of differential equations, an outgrowth of calculus, and the application of these ideas toward understanding the workings of the heart.
I Choose My Future, a captivating presentation and video series, provides viewers with comprehensive, straightforward insight into how substance abuse impacts the individual, their families, and society.
Media Arts Center Showcase highlights media created by the Media Arts Center San Diego
How do religions interact, adopt new ideas, and adapt to diverse cultures? As the missionaries, pilgrims, and converts of Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam moved around the world, the religions created change and were themselves changed.
Egyptian irrigation created one of the first great civilizations.n
Introduces the basic organization structure of essay writing. Writing experts and students define the parts of an essay, such as: thesis statements, introductory paragraphs, essay body and conclusion, which work to to present what the writer wishes to relay to the reader. Guests also suggest ways to help make an essay easier to read and understand.
Media Arts Center Showcase highlights media created by the Media Arts Center San Diego