A twenty-eight-part series done by Pastor Carlo Muñoz. Have you ever wondered: What is going on in this world? Why so much pain and suffering? Where is God? These are questions that we have all asked ourselves but in the knowledge and corruption of the world, we do not find answers. Only in God's Word, and especially in the book of Revelation, can we find understanding and hope for the future and the present times in which we’re living.
Secrets Unsealed 2022 Summit. This summit will discuss the different purposes in God appointing us to spread the gospel around the world and how glorifies God; for we are completely incapable of doing this work without His power.
Hal Mayer has many years of experience in educational and health leadership. He has been involved in the establishment and management of a number of health and wellness centers from the United States to Sweden, Brazil and Australia. He brings his broad experience in health and wellness centers together in this unique and important seminar on running Health Ministry in these last days, with special emphasis on starting and running residential wellness centers in the unique circumstances of our times. His work in Australia with Abide Wellness Retreats in Victoria and South Australia has added considerably to the wealth of these presentations. In this powerful series, Hal partners with Secrets Unsealed and shares his experience as well as the relevant counsel from God’s prophet along with its application in our modern circumstances. This fascinating and inspiring seminar is indispensable for every Seventh-day Adventist and will empower your understanding of how God works with health ministry today.
There is no passage in Scripture that describes more accurately the origin, identity, message, mission and destiny of the Seventh-day Adventist Church than Revelation 10. In this verse by verse study, Pastor Bohr explains this chapter phrase by phrase showing its striking fulfillment in the great Advent Movement of 1844. This study will bolster your faith in the divine origins of the Remnant Church.
"And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them." (Exodus 25:8) This nine-part series hosted by Eric Walsh will help illuminate the lessons of the sanctuary that were and still are intended to bring us closer to our Lord.
When looking for overall healing, there is a strong connection between mental and physical health. In this series Psychologist Dr. Magna Porterfield along side health and wellness coach Ron Porterfield, share their passions and insights regarding holistic health. "The relation that exists between the mind and the body is very intimate. When one is affected, the other sympathizes." - E.G White, Ministry of Healing
In this series, Pastor Stephen Bohr, Hal Mayer, and Dr. Isaac Olatunji present prophetic insights that will open your eyes.
Pastor Stephen Bohr's in-depth study of Revelation chapters 15-22.
Today, the ancient mountain city of Machu Picchu is shrouded in mystery. Built by the Incas sometime in the middle of the 15th century, it was only occupied for about 100 years - and then the people vanished. For centuries, we knew nothing about the existence of this place. The city lay undiscovered - hidden from the world - for almost 400 years until an American historian stumbled across it in 1911. What, exactly, is the meaning of this place? Why did the Incas originally build it?
"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31. How can we use food to glorify God? When we honor our bodies by fueling them with the natural God-given foods presented in the Bible, we feel capable to carry out the mission God has for our lives. This series, featuring many educated hosts, will show you step-by-step how to create all the delicious vegetarian/vegan recipes you need to enjoy your food and live well!
The Heart of Health is a call in health program providing viewers with an opportunity to call in and get free medical advice from guests who practice medicine every day.
In today's world a huge percentage of the population has developed a media addiction in some form or another. With social media, video games and television, there seems to be no end to the media content we can consume. But what are the negative affects of this overuse? How can we fight against the media attacks on our communities.. families.. our humanity? In this series, Scott Ritsema will discuss the spiritual controversy behind media and how we can filter out the dangers.
Adam Ramdin. This series is designed to remind us of our lineage -- what has come before that shaped us into who we are today. These riveting videos combine tightly scripted history lessons with breathtaking footage of actual Reformation sites to bring to life the realities of our Christian heritage. This series will inspire you with the sacrifices of our spiritual predecessors along with the providences of God in preserving His people and the freedoms we enjoy today. You will be motivated as never before to deepen your concecration to God and to finish His work on earth!
With every missionary stepping into the mission field, stories and miracles are bound to happen in the most humbling yet spectacular way! Join us in this inspiring series as we listen to the missionaries working with Jesus For Asia share their amazing stories and miracles! Whether you're looking for inspiration, a boost of faith, or simply a good story, this series will leave you moved and motivated.
This quarter, join us as we delve into the unique beauty of the Gospel of John. Unlike any other Gospel, John’s account focuses on personal encounters with Jesus—Nicodemus, the woman at the well, Lazarus, and more. Each story is rich with meaning, offering us a deeper understanding of Christ’s ministry.
"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31. How can we use food to glorify God? When we honor our bodies by fueling them with the natural God-given foods presented in the Bible, we feel capable to carry out the mission God has for our lives. This series, featuring many educated hosts, will show you step-by-step how to create all the delicious vegetarian/vegan recipes you need to enjoy your food and live well!
Filmed at visually stunning locations, join Jim and Janice as they take you on an amazing journey. Every episode delivers engaging, simple-to-understand wisdom combined with down-to-earth Biblical insights.
Secrets Unsealed weekly Question and Answer program hosted by Pastor Stephen Bohr.
Many claim to know what the mark of the beast is, yet their conclusions are usually quite speculative. Discover what the Bible itself says about this life-or-death topic.
Evangelist Taj Pacleb systematically and sequentially expounds on all the major prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Each message finding its focus and foundation in Jesus Christ. Every major question of the Bible is answered in this Spirit-filled seminar. Perfect for sharing with non-Adventist friends, young people, as well as experienced clergy.
In this busy world it can feel difficult finding time for long hours of study on any given subject. But it's important we do not neglect our study of the Bible; the true foundation for our lives. In this series Pastor Dennis Priebe will condense the basic topics of the gospel into 10 minute segments to help absorb God's word efficiently. In six parts this series will cover: What is sin? - Who is Jesus Christ and how did He live? - What is possible for us?
In the days of the early church, days without modern technology, large institutions, or massive financial support, the Gospel was boldly preached throughout the world. What can we as the remnant church learn from this? In this series Kameron Devasher will reveal vital lessons from the Apostolic church that will encourage and convict remannt believers to go forth and spread the Three Angels' Message to the world, hastening the coming of Jesus.
There are many differing interpretations of the seven trumpets both within and without the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The trumpet series is one of the most difficult to interpret in the book of Revelation. Bizarre symbols and strange actions permeate the series. How can we make sense out of what appears to be impossible to decode? In this series, Pastor Bohr suggests a contextual approach that centers on the great controversy between good and evil. Using the principle that Scripture is its own interpreter, Pastor Bohr offers an interpretation that makes sense and appeals to the unimpassioned reason.
Secrets Unsealed 2022 Summit. This summit will discuss the different purposes in God appointing us to spread the gospel around the world and how glorifies God; for we are completely incapable of doing this work without His power.
A twenty-eight-part series done by Pastor Carlo Muñoz. Have you ever wondered: What is going on in this world? Why so much pain and suffering? Where is God? These are questions that we have all asked ourselves but in the knowledge and corruption of the world, we do not find answers. Only in God's Word, and especially in the book of Revelation, can we find understanding and hope for the future and the present times in which we’re living.
Pr. Stephen Bohr. On the surface the book of Genesis appears to be a mere collection of ancient stories. But don't be fooled! Beneath the external simplicity lies a secret code which, when broken, reveals in no uncertain terms what will happen in the future. This series reveals the intimate connection between the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and the last book, Revelation. Don't miss this life changing experience!
In this series, Pastor Bohr will pursue some very controversial subjects which for genuine Christians need not be controversial. Some of the topics to be dealt will are these: What is the basis for upholding high Christian standards? Is it alright to lie depending on the circumstances? Is it wrong to wear jewelry? •Is money the root of all evil? What is the relationship between principles and standards? Is all music proper as long as the lyrics are religious? What is worldliness? What's wrong with going to the movies? Isn't all the emphasis on standards a matter of legalism?
¿Que es Hermeneutica?
Generalmente cuando se habla de mayordomía se piensa en dinero. Pero el tema de la mayordomía es mucho más abarcante pues incluye todas las dimensiones de la vida--el tiempo, los talentos, la influencia, la salud y los recursos materiales. En esta serie el Pastor Jorge Sá nchez presenta el tema de la mayordomía desde una perspectiva amplia, profunda y sencilla.
Orador: Jorge E. Rico, PhD En la medida que nos acercamos a la venida del Señor, las profecías de Apocalipsis toman más relevancia para sus lectores. En forma particular, el Señor le reveló a Juan eventos sin precedentes en el mundo religioso y político que afectarán a todos los habitantes de la tierra y se encuentran registrados en los capítulos 12-14. En forma profunda y con un lenguaje sencillo, el Dr. Jorge E. Rico explica esta sección de Apocalipsis para que todos puedan tener la oportunidad de entender estos mensajes especiales y prepararse para estar de pie a la venida de Cristo Jesús.
Descubriendo los Misterios de Génesis es un estudio sobre el principio y el fin en la Biblia que tiene como propósito explicar las grandes profecías de la Biblia desde la perspectiva del libro de Génesis. Usted se maravillará por la forma clara, sencilla y profunda en que el Pastor Esteban Bohr explica estas profecías.
Esta presentación hace parte de nuestro simposio sobre la verdadera educación: La Ciencia de la Verdadera Educación. ¿Por qué un simposio sobre la verdadera educación? La educación no es solamente para los niños y jóvenes, sino que hemos de ser estudiantes por toda la eternidad. El enemigo presenta una falsa educación con sus valores falsos, confusión, y desequilibro. Por eso decidimos dedicar un simposio para tratar este tema tan importante. "Ahora, como nunca antes, necesitamos comprender la verdadera ciencia de la educación. Si dejamos de entender esto, nunca tendremos un lugar en el reino de Dios". - Mente, Carácter y Personalidad, Tomo 1, pág. 66
"Varón y Hembra Los Creó" es una seria de 21 segmentos que se trata de las funciones del hombre y la mujer en el hogar y en la iglesia. Pueden pedir cualquier cantidad y repartirlas a todos sus amigos, miembros de las iglesias en su área, pastores y líderes de su Conferencia local.
Acompañe al pastor Bohr en esta nueva serie "Certeza y Paz en Tiempos Dificiles", una serie de 10 temas donde se tratará esta importante temática.
El pastor Luis Fernando Manrique comparte en esta serie consejos prá cticos que nos ayudan en nuestro diario vivir.
En 1844 culmina la profecía más extensa de la Biblia. En el drama có smico supra-humano, las tinieblas lucharon por oscurecer los acontecimientos celestiales que se iniciaron 2300 años antes en el 457 a. C. En rápida secuencia una serie de sucesos golpearon las noticias. Aparece el Espiritismo, nace el Evolucionismo, se incia el marxismo-comunismo, se descubre el Código Sinaítico, se genera un edicto de tolerancia a favor de los judíos, surge la Alta Crítica de la Biblia, nacen los discipulos de Cristo, y las Asociación cristiana de jóvenes (YMCA), las comunicaciones ya se producen por telégrafo (cumpliendo el anuncio de Daniel profeta), y el movimiento cristiano se abre paso anunciando la pronta venida de Cristo
En esta clase de 20 sesiones estudiaremos frase por frase los mensajes de los tres ángeles. La iglesia adventista existe por una sola razón y es para proclamar estos mensajes, pero para proclamarlos necesitamos comprenderlos. Al concluir la clase usted tendrá las herramientas necesarias para explicar con lujo de detalles el mensaje final de Dios para este tiempo.
Las últimas siete plagas y la batalla de Armagedón, son eventos cruciales para comprender de la venida de Cristo.
Carlos Muñoz Acosta, Orador Asociado del ministerio de Amazing Facts, presenta esta serie de 32 presentaciones enfocadas en el libro de Apocalipsis.
En esta clase de 20 sesiones estudiaremos frase por frase los mensajes de los tres ángeles. La iglesia adventista existe por una sola razón y es para proclamar estos mensajes, pero para proclamarlos necesitamos comprenderlos. Al concluir la clase usted tendrá las herramientas necesarias para explicar con lujo de detalles el mensaje final de Dios para este tiempo.
Esta presentación hace parte de nuestro simposio sobre la verdadera educación: La Ciencia de la Verdadera Educación. ¿Por qué un simposio sobre la verdadera educación? La educación no es solamente para los niños y jóvenes, sino que hemos de ser estudiantes por toda la eternidad. El enemigo presenta una falsa educación con sus valores falsos, confusión, y desequilibro. Por eso decidimos dedicar un simposio para tratar este tema tan importante. "Ahora, como nunca antes, necesitamos comprender la verdadera ciencia de la educación. Si dejamos de entender esto, nunca tendremos un lugar en el reino de Dios". - Mente, Carácter y Personalidad, Tomo 1, pág. 66
¿Qué sucede en el instante de la muerte? ¿Es la muerte el fin del camino o habrá una resurrección? ¿Tiene el hombre un alma inmortal que sale del cuerpo en el momento de la muerte o es la muerte meramente un sueño inconsciente hasta la resurrección? Usted se sorprenderá al ver como muchos cristianos de hoy explican erradamente ciertos versículos.
Descubriendo los Misterios de Génesis es un estudio sobre el principio y el fin en la Biblia que tiene como propósito explicar las grandes profecías de la Biblia desde la perspectiva del libro de Génesis. Usted se maravillará por la forma clara, sencilla y profunda en que el Pastor Esteban Bohr explica estas profecías.