Pr. Stephen Bohr. On the surface the book of Genesis appears to be a mere collection of ancient stories. But don't be fooled! Beneath the external simplicity lies a secret code which, when broken, reveals in no uncertain terms what will happen in the future. This series reveals the intimate connection between the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and the last book, Revelation. Don't miss this life changing experience!
In the days of the early church, days without modern technology, large institutions, or massive financial support, the Gospel was boldly preached throughout the world. What can we as the remnant church learn from this? In this series Kameron Devasher will reveal vital lessons from the Apostolic church that will encourage and convict remannt believers to go forth and spread the Three Angels' Message to the world, hastening the coming of Jesus.
Untangling the web of error can be exhaustingly complex. In this series, you will learn to discern the counterfeit. The Davidian Movement, often called the "Shepherd's Rod", has hooked many unsuspecting Bible students who are seeking "Present Truth". By the end of this series, you will recognize and be able to refute the major Davidian doctrines such as Ezekiel 9, the stone of Daniel 2, and the pre-millennial kingdom, as well as their commonly used Bible and Spirit of Prophecy references. You will have a clear understanding of truth by rediscovering the beauty of Adventism; guarding yourself against deception or helping someone already involved with a dissident group. Ephesians 6:11-19 tells us to put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand firm no matter what evil the devil sends your way. False prophets shall arise (Matt 24:11) and false theories, clothed with garments of light, will be presented to God's people… seducing influences exerted; minds hypnotized (Maranatha, Feb 20, "Beware of Satan's Agents", p.59:1). There are grievous wolves in our mists, men speaking perverse things, drawing away disciples after them (Acts 20:29-30). BEWARE! Take heed that no man deceive you (Matt 24:4). "God will arouse His people, if other means fail, heresies will come in among them...We should present sound arguments that will not only silence our opponents, but will bear the closest and most searching scrutiny.. ." (5T, 707:3 - 709). Search the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy by the grace of the Holy Spirit. The speaker has done just this. Praise God! Through His miracle, Ismael was brought out of the Shepherd's Rod deception. Finally, through this series, it is time to set the record straight.
This series was presented at the Secrets Unsealed Summit. The presenters focused on various matters related to the investigative pre-Advent judgment that began in 1844 and will end at the close of probation. The series not only contains theological concepts but also practical tips for daily living in preparation to stand before the judgment bar of God. The series includes a Q&A session.
Are we living in the "Midnight Hour" referenced in the parable of Matthew 24 and 25? Looking at the events taking place around us we can see the approaching crisis. This eighteen-part series will cover different crises affecting the world and what it can teach us about God and our need for a refinement.
Untangling the web of error can be exhaustingly complex. In this series, you will learn to discern the counterfeit. The Davidian Movement, often called the "Shepherd's Rod", has hooked many unsuspecting Bible students who are seeking "Present Truth". By the end of this series, you will recognize and be able to refute the major Davidian doctrines such as Ezekiel 9, the stone of Daniel 2, and the pre-millennial kingdom, as well as their commonly used Bible and Spirit of Prophecy references. You will have a clear understanding of truth by rediscovering the beauty of Adventism; guarding yourself against deception or helping someone already involved with a dissident group. Ephesians 6:11-19 tells us to put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand firm no matter what evil the devil sends your way. False prophets shall arise (Matt 24:11) and false theories, clothed with garments of light, will be presented to God's people… seducing influences exerted; minds hypnotized (Maranatha, Feb 20, "Beware of Satan's Agents", p.59:1). There are grievous wolves in our mists, men speaking perverse things, drawing away disciples after them (Acts 20:29-30). BEWARE! Take heed that no man deceive you (Matt 24:4). "God will arouse His people, if other means fail, heresies will come in among them...We should present sound arguments that will not only silence our opponents, but will bear the closest and most searching scrutiny.. ." (5T, 707:3 - 709). Search the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy by the grace of the Holy Spirit. The speaker has done just this. Praise God! Through His miracle, Ismael was brought out of the Shepherd's Rod deception. Finally, through this series, it is time to set the record straight.
"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31. How can we use food to glorify God? When we honor our bodies by fueling them with the natural God-given foods presented in the Bible, we feel capable to carry out the mission God has for our lives. This series, featuring many educated hosts, will show you step-by-step how to create all the delicious vegetarian/vegan recipes you need to enjoy your food and live well!
The universe is a big place, but is there any evidence out there that helps us understand if it was all formed by a big bang or by a Creator? Every episode of The Creation Case is an exploration of clues and evidence in nature that testify to a Creator. Episodes cover topics such as volcanoes, dinosaurs, erosion, botany, cosmology, mountains, the geologic column, etc. Follow along as we travel around the world looking for clues and evidence about God!
The Great Controversy between good and evil has played out since the conflict in heaven between Christ and Satan. In the last 2000 years of human history, we have seen this battle play out on Earth. However, one day evil will be ended, and peace will reign in the universe. Join us on a journey through the book ‘Great Controversy’ as we learn where we have come from and where we are headed!
Secrets Unsealed weekly Question and Answer program hosted by Pastor Stephen Bohr.
From expectant parents and grandparents to health and childbirth educators, or anyone who questions creation in this modern evolution-driven world, these Christ-centered episodes will lead you to give glory to our Creator as they demonstrate a sample of the Divine wisdom and power in human reproduction.
This quarter, join us as we delve into the unique beauty of the Gospel of John. Unlike any other Gospel, John’s account focuses on personal encounters with Jesus—Nicodemus, the woman at the well, Lazarus, and more. Each story is rich with meaning, offering us a deeper understanding of Christ’s ministry.
When looking for overall healing, there is a strong connection between mental and physical health. In this series Psychologist Dr. Magna Porterfield along side health and wellness coach Ron Porterfield, share their passions and insights regarding holistic health. "The relation that exists between the mind and the body is very intimate. When one is affected, the other sympathizes." - E.G White, Ministry of Healing
This quarter, join us as we delve into the unique beauty of the Gospel of John. Unlike any other Gospel, John’s account focuses on personal encounters with Jesus—Nicodemus, the woman at the well, Lazarus, and more. Each story is rich with meaning, offering us a deeper understanding of Christ’s ministry.
Don MacLafferty knows from experience how every moment matters when you risk your life to spend time in countries where practicing Christianity is illegal, and participants could face fines, imprisonment, beatings, or even death.
Music is a powerful influence. Satan, who was the heavenly choir director before his fall, is attempting to confuse the minds of believers by bringing secular music into the church. As a result, many are mixing the holy with the profane. According to God’s word, the compromise taking place in our churches misrepresents God, and misleads His people. Don't be deceived by the counterfeit, fanatical music-driven worship experience which Satan will orchestrate just before the close of probation and the second coming of Christ. This six-part series will provide Biblical principles to guide your personal life, and help you to determine what is acceptable before God’s throne in our corporate worship.
Evangelist Taj Pacleb systematically and sequentially expounds on all the major prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Each message finding its focus and foundation in Jesus Christ. Every major question of the Bible is answered in this Spirit-filled seminar. Perfect for sharing with non-Adventist friends, young people, as well as experienced clergy.
Joy Kauffman’s passion to serve the poor and vulnerable began with exposure to hunger and sanitation issues while working abroad. Today, the founder and executive director of FARM STEW devotes her life to improving the physical and spiritual well-being of those living in poverty-stricken areas.
"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31. How can we use food to glorify God? When we honor our bodies by fueling them with the natural God-given foods presented in the Bible, we feel capable to carry out the mission God has for our lives. This series, featuring many educated hosts, will show you step-by-step how to create all the delicious vegetarian/vegan recipes you need to enjoy your food and live well!
We are living in the "Time of the End" just before probation closes. Satan is doing his best to draft members of Gods Church into his Babylonian kingdom. Can you be called a Seventh-day Adventist, while really belonging to the Kingdom of Babylon?
"In the beginning, God created people to live forever, yet illness and disease have cut already-short lives even shorter. Join John Bradshaw and special guest Dr. John Westerdahl and find what keys the Bible holds to a longer and healthier life. The powerful, anti-aging secrets of the Bible will help you experience a more abundant life in this world, and eternal life in the world to come!"
In a dark and oppressive period of history under Roman rule, the early Christians faced torture, brutality and the threat of death. But they displayed a courageous and unyielding spirit. There was one thing they refused to do - denounce their faith. But what was it that gave them such unshakable conviction? Join us as we explore their resilience, and uncover their untold stories of faith and courage.
In this series you will hear some amazing testimonies of individuals who sought the Lord, with all their hearts, and found Him.
Pastor Stephen Bohr's in-depth study of Revelation chapters 15-22.
In this eight-part series Akeen James breaks down the mysteries of Godliness and iniquity. What is the falling away? What is the unleashing of opposing spirits? What is the mystery of a counterfeit to God? These questions and more will be answered in this series.
Pastor Stephen Bohr's in-depth study of Revelation chapters 15-22.
How many Christians today, even within our own churches, are struggling in darkness, in doubt and bondage to sin? Longing to be truly free . . . Yet our Mighty God has assured us, that He sent His Son Jesus for this very reason . . . To set every captive free! And He says to you and I today, "Now ye ARE clean, through the Word which I have spoken unto you," and "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect!" Is this even possible? . . . and if so, How? Come and join us, as we open God's Word together. Learn how to believe unto Salvation (deliverance, freedom, healing and restoration) , and how to take hold of and appropriate by faith His every promise as your very own!
Acompañe al Pastor Bohr en este estudio profundo de la palabra de Dios. Verdades para este tiempo, una serie que sin duda le será de mucho beneficio para la comprensión de las escrituras.
No hay un pasaje en las Escrituras que describa más claramente el origen, la identidad, el mensaje, la misión y el destino de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día de Apocalipsis 10. Hay tres preguntas filosóficas que son también de importancia cuando se trata de la iglesia adventista: ¿De dónde venimos? ¿Por qué estamos aquí? ¿ Para dónde vamos? En esta serie el Pastor Bohr muestra la relación estrecha que existe entre Daniel 7, 8-12 y Apocalipsis 10. Su fe en el movimiento remanente se fortalecerá al entender la razón de nuestro existir.
Acompañe al pastor Daniel Gouveia en la serie titulada Luz en mi Camino, una serie de estudios que le ayudarán en su conocimiento y el estudio de la palabra de Dios.
En 1844 culmina la profecía más extensa de la Biblia. En el drama có smico supra-humano, las tinieblas lucharon por oscurecer los acontecimientos celestiales que se iniciaron 2300 años antes en el 457 a. C. En rápida secuencia una serie de sucesos golpearon las noticias. Aparece el Espiritismo, nace el Evolucionismo, se incia el marxismo-comunismo, se descubre el Código Sinaítico, se genera un edicto de tolerancia a favor de los judíos, surge la Alta Crítica de la Biblia, nacen los discipulos de Cristo, y las Asociación cristiana de jóvenes (YMCA), las comunicaciones ya se producen por telégrafo (cumpliendo el anuncio de Daniel profeta), y el movimiento cristiano se abre paso anunciando la pronta venida de Cristo
¿Se interesa Dios en lo que nos sucede ahora? ¿Tiene un plan de salud para sus hijos?
Carlos Muñoz Acosta, Orador Asociado del ministerio de Amazing Facts, presenta esta serie de 32 presentaciones enfocadas en el libro de Apocalipsis.
Generalmente cuando se habla de mayordomía se piensa en dinero. Pero el tema de la mayordomía es mucho más abarcante pues incluye todas las dimensiones de la vida--el tiempo, los talentos, la influencia, la salud y los recursos materiales. En esta serie el Pastor Jorge Sá nchez presenta el tema de la mayordomía desde una perspectiva amplia, profunda y sencilla.
Oliver Coronado. La música posee un poder sorprendente tanto para el bién como para el mal. Diversos estilos musicales contemporáneos han penetrado de una u otra forma al culto de adoración en la iglesia y Satanás, el padre de toda mentira, los ha disfrazado usando “letra santa”. Es hora de quitarle el disfraz al enemigo. Esta serie será de gran bendición para su vida y le ayudará a conocer “El Poder Oculto de la Música.” “Conoceréis la verdad y la verdad os hará libres. Juan 8:32
En este material encontrará disidencias que en algún momento de la historia de la Iglesia Adventista del Sétimo Día amenazaron con su unidad y su estabilidad. Al igual que los nombres de algunos movimientos y personas que trataron de introducir enseñanzas falsas. Aprenderá a reconocer las características que identifican a las personas implicadas en la herejía, que causan división y confusión en la iglesia, para enfrentarlas correcta me y no caer en el error.
Acompañe al Pastor Bohr en este estudio profundo de la palabra de Dios. Verdades para este tiempo, una serie que sin duda le será de mucho beneficio para la comprensión de las escrituras.
¿Sabías que Jesús tiene una casa? Así es, pero no había orando Salomó n "Pero ¿es verdad que Dios morará sobre la tierra? He aquí que los cielos, los cielos de los cielos, no te pueden contener; ¿cuánto menos esta casa que yo he edificado?" (1 Reyes 8:27). Dios no habita en templos hechos de mano, pero condescendió para poder morar con nosotros. Cuando los primeros discípulos comenzaron a seguir a Jesús le preguntaron, "¿Dónde moras?" Jesús les respondió: "Venid y ved". Así también Jesús nos invita a que vayamos a Él, y veamos donde mora, y conozcamos Su casa, la Casa del Mesías. No te pierdas esta fascinante serie de SUMtv Latino presentado por el Pr. Daniel Miranda.¿Sabías que Jesús tiene una casa? Así es, pero no había orando Salomón "Pero ¿es verdad que Dios morará sobre la tierra? He aquí que los cielos, los cielos de los cielos, no te pueden contener; ¿cuánto menos esta casa que yo he edificado?" (1 Reyes 8:27) . Dios no habita en templos hechos de mano, pero condescendió para poder morar con nosotros. Cuando los primeros discípulos comenzaron a seguir a Jesús le preguntaron, "¿Dónde moras?" Jesús les respondió: "Venid y ved". Así también Jesús nos invita a que vayamos a Él, y veamos donde mora, y conozcamos Su casa, la Casa del Mesías. No te pierdas esta fascinante serie de SUMtv Latino presentado por el Pr. Daniel Miranda.
La iglesia Adventista tiene muchas doctrinas en común con otras iglesias pero hay dos doctrinas que son autóctonas: El gran conflicto universal entre el bien y el mal y el servicio del santuario. En esta serie el Pastor Esteban Bohr explica el problema universal del pecado y como lo soluciona Dios en el santuario.
¿Quiénes son los 24 ancianos y cuáles son sus funciones en la economía divina? ¿Serán los que resucitaron con Jesús? ¿En dó nde se mencionan en el libro de Apocalipsis y por qué? ¿Cuándo vivirán los 144,000 y que carácter poseerán? ¿El número 144,000 es literal o simbólico? ¿Se compondrá el grupo tan solo de judíos literales o tendrá personas de toda nación? ¿Qué relación sostiene la gran muchedumbre con los 144,000? Tomando en cuenta la totalidad del contexto Bíblico y del Espíritu de Profecía, el pastor Bohr responde a estas y otras preguntas de una forma clara, sencilla y convincente.