"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31) How can we use food to glorify God? When we honor our bodies by fueling them with the natural God-given foods presented in the Bible, we feel capable to carry out the mission God has for our lives. This series, featuring many educated hosts, will show you step-by-step how to create all the delicious vegetarian/vegan recipes you need to enjoy your food and live well!
The universe is a big place, but is there any evidence out there that helps us understand if it was all formed by a big bang or by a Creator? Every episode of The Creation Case is an exploration of clues and evidence in nature that testify to a Creator. Episodes cover topics such as volcanoes, dinosaurs, erosion, botany, cosmology, mountains, the geologic column, etc. Follow along as we travel around the world looking for clues and evidence about God!
Pastor David Salazar
This 22 session class is taught by Pastor Stephen Bohr. Available on CD, DVD, MP3 or Study Notes. Because many of the class sessions take up to several DVDs to cover. The Study notes are essential since he is limited to time on the DVDs, CDs, or MP3.
The Heart of Health is a call in health program providing viewers with an opportunity to call in and get free medical advice from guests who practice medicine every day.
This is Pastor Bohr's new expanded edition of his study on Matthew 24. Contains 359 pages. Among all the prophecies of the Bible, Matthew 24 is unique because it presents end time events in the precise order in which they will occur. Thus, Matthew 24 serves as a blueprint for the study of Bible prophecy. This chapter (along with the parallel chapters in Mark 13 and Luke 21) describes events such as the little time of trouble, the latter rain, the loud cry, the universal Sunday law, the great tribulation, Satan’s counterfeit second coming, the sign of the Son of Man and the gathering of the elect. Don’t miss out on this important series.
In this four-part series Evangellist Taj Pacleb will uncover who the "Called, Chosen, Faithful" are, according to the prophecy found in Revelation:17.
“Good News for Muslims” explores Islam, the Quran, Christianity, the Bible, and Jesus Christ. Shahbaz, who grew up in Iran, is Steve Wohlberg’s guest in this fascinating, eye-opening 13-part series that will inspire your heart and bring peace to your soul.
Explore the Bible like never before and get practical guidance on Christian living, prophecy, and more. You will find the Bible’s answers to all your questions about life.
Hands down, the question that people most frequently ask Secrets Unsealed is: Who are the 24 elders and what role do they play in heaven? What do we know for certain about this group? Are they the first-fruits that came forth from the tomb when Jesus resurrected? Will we ever have the opportunity of meeting them? Do they have any role in the administration of the universe? What lessons can we learn from the work that they perform? There are many surprises packed up in this five part series. You will find certain answers from the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy!
God has healing for the sexually impure and it is not a mere partial healing. God doesn’t suggest that we exchange one sexual identity for another. Who we are in Jesus, is not a sexual identity. Over thousands of years, Satan has sought to counterfeit God’s intimate gifts with self-centered indulgences. God gave this intimate gift only to be shared within the confines of His perfect plan for men and women. Unforunately those who do not understand gay/homosexual deceptions, are apt to provide affirmation and sympathy rather than the hope and healing that God would have us share with this natural, yet sinful inclination. This is a faith and trust experience. Truth must outweigh our feelings. Feelings have misguided souls through self-truth deceptions since creation. When we choose to live in accordance to the plan of salvation Jesus offers us, He sends His Holy Spirit to influence our thoughts and decisions. Philippians 4:13 promises that we can do all things through Him that strengthens us.
This beautiful series hosted by Steve Dickman and Michelle Song, bring to light the desperate need for outreach in all areas of the world. While Seventh-day Adventism has made it's mark, there are still areas of the world that have yet to be touched. This series will provide you with helpful ministry tips and inspiring testimonies of those who have answered the call to outreach ministry. "And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.." (Matthew 24:14)
From expectant parents and grandparents to health and childbirth educators, or anyone who questions creation in this modern evolution-driven world, these Christ-centered episodes will lead you to give glory to our Creator as they demonstrate a sample of the Divine wisdom and power in human reproduction.
The names of the seven churches are symbolic of the church in different periods of the Christian era. The number 7 indicates completeness, and is symbolic of the fact that the messages extend to the end of time, while the symbols used reveal the condition of the church at different periods in the history of the world. AA, p. 585
On New Year’s Day 1915, during WWI, two enemy sympathisers opened fire on a train filled with civilians heading to their New Year’s Day picnic at Silverton. The attack was the first terrorist attack on Australian soil and whipped the local community of Broken Hill and the nation into a frenzy. Join us as we follow this little-known but intriguing story.
In our first episode in this mini-series, we saw how the ministry of Jesus, as well as God's work in creation and recreation, all testify to God's desire to make all things new. In addition to God's work outside of us, God wants to do a work in us to make things new. In today's message Dr. David DeRose will focus on that special work of cooperation.
Before Jesus came to this earth, He sat down with His Father and planned the seven successive steps that He would take in the plan of salvation. However, not only did they plan the steps but they also prepared a detailed calendar when those steps would take place. The Hebrew Sanctuary reveals the events of salvation history and the Feast reveal the calendar of those events. This study focuses on the seven Feasts and their relationship to the sanctuary. Included is a study of the season of the Messiah's birth, the three days and three nights and whether Christians are still required to observe the Feasts. Your faith in the God who knows the end from the beginning will be strengthened.
When looking for overall healing, there is a strong connection between mental and physical health. In this series Psychologist Dr. Magna Porterfield along side health and wellness coach Ron Porterfield, share their passions and insights regarding holistic health. "The relation that exists between the mind and the body is very intimate. When one is affected, the other sympathizes." - E.G White, Ministry of Healing
Growing up as a Catholic, Conrad started having doubts about his faith. One day, he decided to test if God existed or not. Follow Conrad’s journey out of atheism and formal religiosity.
Pr. Stephen Bohr. How should God’s people really keep the Sabbath? What do texts such as Colossians 2:16 mean? Should we also keep the ceremonial sabbaths? How will the beast attack the first four of the Ten Commandments that have to do with worshipping God?
Evangelist Taj Pacleb systematically and sequentially expounds on all the major prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Each message finding its focus and foundation in Jesus Christ. Every major question of the Bible is answered in this Spirit-filled seminar. Perfect for sharing with non-Adventist friends, young people, as well as experienced clergy.
It seems that today there are as many interpretations of Bible prophecy as there are interpreters. Can we know for certain what the future holds? Is there an ironclad method for interpreting Bible prophecy? Are Sunday morning televangelists trustworthy in what they teach about Israel, the seventy weeks, the rapture of the church, the tribulation and the Antichrist or are they setting us up for Satan's final deception? Don't miss the answers to these and other questions in this enlightening series which will take another look at the blessed hope.
Nurse practitioner Vanessa Greer discusses the link between plant-based eating and chronic illness prevention. Along with her 35 years of experience in internal and preventitive medicine, she will be using The Full Plate Living meal plan to demonstrate easy recipes helpful for supporting this healthy lifestyle.
We may have the theological understanding of the Three Angels Messages but do we understand how to make these messages practical and relevant to our lives? In this ten-part series Lo-ammi Richardson will go text-by-text to help break down the commands to fear God, give glory, and worship Him.
In this series you will hear some amazing testimonies of individuals who sought the Lord, with all their hearts, and found Him.
This is Pastor Bohr's new expanded edition of his study on Matthew 24. Contains 359 pages. Among all the prophecies of the Bible, Matthew 24 is unique because it presents end time events in the precise order in which they will occur. Thus, Matthew 24 serves as a blueprint for the study of Bible prophecy. This chapter (along with the parallel chapters in Mark 13 and Luke 21) describes events such as the little time of trouble, the latter rain, the loud cry, the universal Sunday law, the great tribulation, Satan’s counterfeit second coming, the sign of the Son of Man and the gathering of the elect. Don’t miss out on this important series.
Diving with sharks is an incredible adventure, but for Micki Glenn it became a nightmare when one shark brutally attacked her. Thanks to the quick thinking of her surgeon husband as well as other passengers, Micki is alive today to share her phenomenal story of resilience and the goodness of God.
Untangling the web of error can be exhaustingly complex. In this series, you will learn to discern the counterfeit. The Davidian Movement, often called the "Shepherd's Rod", has hooked many unsuspecting Bible students who are seeking "Present Truth". By the end of this series, you will recognize and be able to refute the major Davidian doctrines such as Ezekiel 9, the stone of Daniel 2, and the pre-millennial kingdom, as well as their commonly used Bible and Spirit of Prophecy references. You will have a clear understanding of truth by rediscovering the beauty of Adventism; guarding yourself against deception or helping someone already involved with a dissident group. Ephesians 6:11-19 tells us to put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand firm no matter what evil the devil sends your way. False prophets shall arise (Matt 24:11) and false theories, clothed with garments of light, will be presented to God's people… seducing influences exerted; minds hypnotized (Maranatha, Feb 20, "Beware of Satan's Agents", p.59:1). There are grievous wolves in our mists, men speaking perverse things, drawing away disciples after them (Acts 20:29-30). BEWARE! Take heed that no man deceive you (Matt 24:4). "God will arouse His people, if other means fail, heresies will come in among them...We should present sound arguments that will not only silence our opponents, but will bear the closest and most searching scrutiny.. ." (5T, 707:3 - 709). Search the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy by the grace of the Holy Spirit. The speaker has done just this. Praise God! Through His miracle, Ismael was brought out of the Shepherd's Rod deception. Finally, through this series, it is time to set the record straight.
Oliver Coronado. La música posee un poder sorprendente tanto para el bién como para el mal. Diversos estilos musicales contemporáneos han penetrado de una u otra forma al culto de adoración en la iglesia y Satanás, el padre de toda mentira, los ha disfrazado usando “letra santa”. Es hora de quitarle el disfraz al enemigo. Esta serie será de gran bendición para su vida y le ayudará a conocer “El Poder Oculto de la Música.” “Conoceréis la verdad y la verdad os hará libres. Juan 8:32
Orador: Jorge E. Rico, PhD En la medida que nos acercamos a la venida del Señor, las profecías de Apocalipsis toman más relevancia para sus lectores. En forma particular, el Señor le reveló a Juan eventos sin precedentes en el mundo religioso y político que afectarán a todos los habitantes de la tierra y se encuentran registrados en los capítulos 12-14. En forma profunda y con un lenguaje sencillo, el Dr. Jorge E. Rico explica esta sección de Apocalipsis para que todos puedan tener la oportunidad de entender estos mensajes especiales y prepararse para estar de pie a la venida de Cristo Jesús.
Esta presentación fue parte de nuestro simposio: Teología de la Ú ltima Generación que se transmitió en vivo por nuestro canal SUMtv Latino el 2 al 5 de mayo de 2022. Aquí compartimos estas presentaciones para el beneficio de todos. Los presentadores de este simposio fueron: Pr. Esteban Bohr, presidente y orador de Secrets Unsealed Pr. Daniel Miranda, asociado de Secrets Unsealed Teó. José Alarcón, Chile Hno. David Restrepo, Director de Fundación Las Delicias, Colombia Pr. David Salazar, pastor laico, Florida Gerzón Gomez, capellán y profesor de la academia adventista de Bakersfield, California.
Descubriendo los Misterios de Génesis es un estudio sobre el principio y el fin en la Biblia que tiene como propósito explicar las grandes profecías de la Biblia desde la perspectiva del libro de Génesis. Usted se maravillará por la forma clara, sencilla y profunda en que el Pastor Esteban Bohr explica estas profecías.
Carlos Muñoz Acosta, Orador Asociado del ministerio de Amazing Facts, presenta esta serie de 32 presentaciones enfocadas en el libro de Apocalipsis.
Acompañe al pastor Daniel Gouveia en la serie titulada Luz en mi Camino, una serie de estudios que le ayudarán en su conocimiento y el estudio de la palabra de Dios.
Acompañe al pastor Bohr en esta nueva serie "Profecias de Esperanza", una serie de 10 temas donde se tratará esta importante temática.
El pastor Luis Fernando Manrique comparte en esta serie consejos prá cticos que nos ayudan en nuestro diario vivir.
Acompañe al pastor Daniel Gouveia en la serie titulada Luz en mi Camino, una serie de estudios que le ayudarán en su conocimiento y el estudio de la palabra de Dios.
Abordando verdades perennes y aplicándolas a la vida diaria. Personas de todos los credos y religiones, incluso quienes no profesan tener fe, han sido inspiradas por las presentaciones directas y elevadoras de Escrito Está.
Esta presentación fue parte de nuestro simposio: Teología de la Ú ltima Generación que se transmitió en vivo por nuestro canal SUMtv Latino el 2 al 5 de mayo de 2022. Aquí compartimos estas presentaciones para el beneficio de todos. Los presentadores de este simposio fueron: Pr. Esteban Bohr, presidente y orador de Secrets Unsealed Pr. Daniel Miranda, asociado de Secrets Unsealed Teó. José Alarcón, Chile Hno. David Restrepo, Director de Fundación Las Delicias, Colombia Pr. David Salazar, pastor laico, Florida Gerzón Gomez, capellán y profesor de la academia adventista de Bakersfield, California.
Dios presenta en la Biblia que el pecado es el más grande problema en el universo; pero también revela claves que le permiten al hombre vencerlo. "Al vencedor le concederé que se siente conmigo en mi trono, así como yo he vencido y me he sentado con mi Padre en su trono." Apocalipsis 3:21
La iglesia Adventista tiene muchas doctrinas en común con otras iglesias pero hay dos doctrinas que son autóctonas: El gran conflicto universal entre el bien y el mal y el servicio del santuario. En esta serie el Pastor Esteban Bohr explica el problema universal del pecado y como lo soluciona Dios en el santuario.
¿Sabías que Jesús tiene una casa? Así es, pero no había orando Salomó n "Pero ¿es verdad que Dios morará sobre la tierra? He aquí que los cielos, los cielos de los cielos, no te pueden contener; ¿cuánto menos esta casa que yo he edificado?" (1 Reyes 8:27). Dios no habita en templos hechos de mano, pero condescendió para poder morar con nosotros. Cuando los primeros discípulos comenzaron a seguir a Jesús le preguntaron, "¿Dónde moras?" Jesús les respondió: "Venid y ved". Así también Jesús nos invita a que vayamos a Él, y veamos donde mora, y conozcamos Su casa, la Casa del Mesías. No te pierdas esta fascinante serie de SUMtv Latino presentado por el Pr. Daniel Miranda.¿Sabías que Jesús tiene una casa? Así es, pero no había orando Salomón "Pero ¿es verdad que Dios morará sobre la tierra? He aquí que los cielos, los cielos de los cielos, no te pueden contener; ¿cuánto menos esta casa que yo he edificado?" (1 Reyes 8:27) . Dios no habita en templos hechos de mano, pero condescendió para poder morar con nosotros. Cuando los primeros discípulos comenzaron a seguir a Jesús le preguntaron, "¿Dónde moras?" Jesús les respondió: "Venid y ved". Así también Jesús nos invita a que vayamos a Él, y veamos donde mora, y conozcamos Su casa, la Casa del Mesías. No te pierdas esta fascinante serie de SUMtv Latino presentado por el Pr. Daniel Miranda.
Esta presentación hace parte de nuestro simposio sobre la verdadera educación: La Ciencia de la Verdadera Educación. ¿Por qué un simposio sobre la verdadera educación? La educación no es solamente para los niños y jóvenes, sino que hemos de ser estudiantes por toda la eternidad. El enemigo presenta una falsa educación con sus valores falsos, confusión, y desequilibro. Por eso decidimos dedicar un simposio para tratar este tema tan importante. "Ahora, como nunca antes, necesitamos comprender la verdadera ciencia de la educación. Si dejamos de entender esto, nunca tendremos un lugar en el reino de Dios". - Mente, Carácter y Personalidad, Tomo 1, pág. 66
En esta serie de dos partes el Pastor Bohr analiza 1 Tesalonicenses 4: 15-17 y 2 Tesalonicenses 2:1-12