On the surface the book of Genesis appears to be a mere collection of ancient stories. But don't be fooled! Beneath the external simplicity lies a secret code which, when broken, reveals in no uncertain terms what will happen in the future. This series reveals the intimate connection between the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and the last book, Revelation. Don't miss this life changing experience!
What is Last Generation Theology? Very likely you've heard this phrase in the church during the past few years. Is it an anti-gospel, legalistic heresy, as some have alleged? Or is it the Bible-based rationale for the existence, message, and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist movement? The purpose of this symposium is to take these questions to the Bible and the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy, and to thus discover God's answers.
One writer once stated: “The correct understanding of the ministration in the heavenly sanctuary is the foundation of our faith. ” (EV 221). But why is this so? What makes the doctrine of the sanctuary so important?In this series, Pastor Bohr explains how the many doctrines of the Bible, such as the divine/human nature of Christ, the salvation of sinful man, the Sabbath, the ten commandments, the state of the dead, the judgment, tithing, healthful living, the work of angels, and even end-time events, are explained in the sanctuary service. With simplicity and clarity he shows how the sanctuary is the great magnet which draws together all the doctrines of the Bible into a unified system of truth. Definitely a must-see!
The Secrets Unsealed Summit is an anual spiritually-enriching experience where Pastor Bohr and guest speakers address cutting-edge subjects through practical bible studies. Watch and be blessed!
"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them" (Eph. 5:11, ESV). "The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists ... and ... would consist in giving up the doctrines ... of our faith" (1SM p. 205). There’s a saying: “Don’t allow a camel to put its nose under your tent, for soon it’ll be in your tent.” Today the “camel” appears to be the emerging church movement in Seventh-day Adventism. How far has it penetrated the church today? Is it the “omega of apostasy” Ellen White warned us about? This series presents what could be the undermining of the movement raised to correct the errors of modern Protestantism. If the issues raised are indeed happening, then those committed to the historic teachings of the faith have no choice but to “Meet It!”
What is Spiritual Formation? From where does it find its roots? Is the new spirituality movement that is sweeping the Protestant churches of the West, merely an attempt to update our methods of evangelism? Is there something much darker working behind the scenes? Learn the truth of the origin of these practices . . . Open God’s Word with us, as we reveal the spiritual powers that are seeking to gather the whole world together as one, for the last great battle of earth’s history! Eric Wilson was a former practitioner and teacher in Asian martial arts, Tai-chi, Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine for 25 years. Now director of Isaiah Ministries, he and his wife Sarah live to share the glad tidings of the freedom, victory and salvation given each of us through living faith alone in Christ Jesus!
Anchor is a seminary-level course of study on the fundamentals of Seventh-day Adventist theology, taught by Pastor Stephen Bohr. The mission of ANCHOR is to settle students into the Truth both intellectually and spiritually so that they cannot be moved and to provide the theological skills to share with others the reason for the hope that is in them.
Lo-Ammi Richardson gives his testimony.
President Hans Thygeson and co-founder Mindy Thygeson worked together to implement Impact Hope, a sponsorship program that sends refugee students to safer Christian boarding schools throughout Rwanda. At these Christian boarding schools, the refugees enjoy better living conditions, quality education, and an opportunity to learn more about God and His loving plan for them. Through this opportunity they can graduate with career eligibility and move their families out of the refugee camps for good!
Mike and René Lemon are the hosts for It Is Written Canada, a nationwide television ministry that spotlights the life-transforming power of trusting God’s Word.
From expectant parents and grandparents to health and childbirth educators, or anyone who questions creation in this modern evolution-driven world, these Christ-centered episodes will lead you to give glory to our Creator as they demonstrate a sample of the Divine wisdom and power in human reproduction.
Taj Pacleb is a dynamic speaker and teacher of Bible prophecy and is known for his clear and convicting way of sharing God's Word. This Christ centered evangelistic series, based on the books of Daniel and Revelation, reveals how our world will end, and how we can prepare for it.
Our great nation was established on the principles of justice and liberty. The Supreme Court was designed to maintain these virtues for each and every person. But will they always? What is in store for us as a nation of liberty and freedom? In His great mercy, God has given us warning of what will soon take place that our faith will not be shaken when it comes to pass.
God has healing for the sexually impure and it is not a mere partial healing. God doesn’t suggest that we exchange one sexual identity for another. Who we are in Jesus, is not a sexual identity. Over thousands of years, Satan has sought to counterfeit God’s intimate gifts with self-centered indulgences. God gave this intimate gift only to be shared within the confines of His perfect plan for men and women. Unforunately those who do not understand gay/homosexual deceptions, are apt to provide affirmation and sympathy rather than the hope and healing that God would have us share with this natural, yet sinful inclination. This is a faith and trust experience. Truth must outweigh our feelings. Feelings have misguided souls through self-truth deceptions since creation. When we choose to live in accordance to the plan of salvation Jesus offers us, He sends His Holy Spirit to influence our thoughts and decisions. Philippians 4:13 promises that we can do all things through Him that strengthens us.
Have you ever wondered why there are so many diet fads? Do you seek fulfillment in your life? Do you trade one temporary fix for another problem? Imagine the benefits of learning the truth, receiving eternal life, and discovering your true purpose. This is a movement leading towards discovery of God's desire for our well being physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Join cardiologist James Marcus in experiencing real physiologic benefits of applying Biblical Prescriptions from God's word in our lives today.
Explore the Bible like never before and get practical guidance on Christian living, prophecy, and more. You will find the Bible’s answers to all your questions about life.
This is Pastor Bohr's new expanded edition of his study on Matthew 24. Contains 359 pages. Among all the prophecies of the Bible, Matthew 24 is unique because it presents end time events in the precise order in which they will occur. Thus, Matthew 24 serves as a blueprint for the study of Bible prophecy. This chapter (along with the parallel chapters in Mark 13 and Luke 21) describes events such as the little time of trouble, the latter rain, the loud cry, the universal Sunday law, the great tribulation, Satan’s counterfeit second coming, the sign of the Son of Man and the gathering of the elect. Don’t miss out on this important series.
It Is Written is the flagship program of the It Is Written ministry, which for more than six decades has shared the transforming teachings of the Bible directly from the pages of God’s Word. Presented by Pastor John Bradshaw and often filmed in fascinating and visually stunning locations around the world, It Is Written covers a wide range of Biblical subjects and shares faith in Jesus Christ as the hope of the world.
It seems that today there are as many interpretations of Bible prophecy as there are interpreters. Can we know for certain what the future holds? Is there an ironclad method for interpreting Bible prophecy? Are Sunday morning televangelists trustworthy in what they teach about Israel, the seventy weeks, the rapture of the church, the tribulation and the Antichrist or are they setting us up for Satan's final deception? Don't miss the answers to these and other questions in this enlightening series which will take another look at the blessed hope.
We may have the theological understanding of the Three Angels Messages but do we understand how to make these messages practical and relevant to our lives? In this ten-part series Lo-ammi Richardson will go text-by-text to help break down the commands to fear God, give glory, and worship Him.
In this series you will hear some amazing testimonies of individuals who sought the Lord, with all their hearts, and found Him.
This is Pastor Bohr's new expanded edition of his study on Matthew 24. Contains 359 pages. Among all the prophecies of the Bible, Matthew 24 is unique because it presents end time events in the precise order in which they will occur. Thus, Matthew 24 serves as a blueprint for the study of Bible prophecy. This chapter (along with the parallel chapters in Mark 13 and Luke 21) describes events such as the little time of trouble, the latter rain, the loud cry, the universal Sunday law, the great tribulation, Satan’s counterfeit second coming, the sign of the Son of Man and the gathering of the elect. Don’t miss out on this important series.
Anchor is a seminary-level course of study on the fundamentals of Seventh-day Adventist theology, taught by Pastor Stephen Bohr. The mission of ANCHOR is to settle students into the Truth both intellectually and spiritually so that they cannot be moved and to provide the theological skills to share with others the reason for the hope that is in them.
The Heart of Health is a call in health program providing viewers with an opportunity to call in and get free medical advice from guests who practice medicine every day.
En este material encontrará disidencias que en algún momento de la historia de la Iglesia Adventista del Sétimo Día amenazaron con su unidad y su estabilidad. Al igual que los nombres de algunos movimientos y personas que trataron de introducir enseñanzas falsas. Aprenderá a reconocer las características que identifican a las personas implicadas en la herejía, que causan división y confusión en la iglesia, para enfrentarlas correcta me y no caer en el error.
Esta serie es un estudio sobre Mateo 27 y Las Señales del Fin.
Acompañe al pastor Daniel Gouveia en la serie titulada Luz en mi Camino, una serie de estudios que le ayudarán en su conocimiento y el estudio de la palabra de Dios.
El pastor Luis Fernando Manrique comparte en esta serie consejos prá cticos que nos ayudan en nuestro diario vivir.
Abordando verdades perennes y aplicándolas a la vida diaria. Personas de todos los credos y religiones, incluso quienes no profesan tener fe, han sido inspiradas por las presentaciones directas y elevadoras de Escrito Está.
Carlos Muñoz Acosta, Orador Asociado del ministerio de Amazing Facts, presenta esta serie de 32 presentaciones enfocadas en el libro de Apocalipsis.
En 1844 culmina la profecía más extensa de la Biblia. En el drama có smico supra-humano, las tinieblas lucharon por oscurecer los acontecimientos celestiales que se iniciaron 2300 años antes en el 457 a. C. En rápida secuencia una serie de sucesos golpearon las noticias. Aparece el Espiritismo, nace el Evolucionismo, se incia el marxismo-comunismo, se descubre el Código Sinaítico, se genera un edicto de tolerancia a favor de los judíos, surge la Alta Crítica de la Biblia, nacen los discipulos de Cristo, y las Asociación cristiana de jóvenes (YMCA), las comunicaciones ya se producen por telégrafo (cumpliendo el anuncio de Daniel profeta), y el movimiento cristiano se abre paso anunciando la pronta venida de Cristo
¿Quiénes son los 24 ancianos y cuáles son sus funciones en la economía divina? ¿Serán los que resucitaron con Jesús? ¿En dó nde se mencionan en el libro de Apocalipsis y por qué? ¿Cuándo vivirán los 144,000 y que carácter poseerán? ¿El número 144,000 es literal o simbólico? ¿Se compondrá el grupo tan solo de judíos literales o tendrá personas de toda nación? ¿Qué relación sostiene la gran muchedumbre con los 144,000? Tomando en cuenta la totalidad del contexto Bíblico y del Espíritu de Profecía, el pastor Bohr responde a estas y otras preguntas de una forma clara, sencilla y convincente.
En este estudio el pastor Zárate compartirá a profundidad los engaños del enemigo y cómo desenmascararlo. Una serie de 10 temas de mucha importancia en nuestros tiempos.
La iglesia Adventista tiene muchas doctrinas en común con otras iglesias pero hay dos doctrinas que son autóctonas: El gran conflicto universal entre el bien y el mal y el servicio del santuario. En esta serie el Pastor Esteban Bohr explica el problema universal del pecado y como lo soluciona Dios en el santuario.
¿Sabías que Jesús tiene una casa? Así es, pero no había orando Salomó n "Pero ¿es verdad que Dios morará sobre la tierra? He aquí que los cielos, los cielos de los cielos, no te pueden contener; ¿cuánto menos esta casa que yo he edificado?" (1 Reyes 8:27). Dios no habita en templos hechos de mano, pero condescendió para poder morar con nosotros. Cuando los primeros discípulos comenzaron a seguir a Jesús le preguntaron, "¿Dónde moras?" Jesús les respondió: "Venid y ved". Así también Jesús nos invita a que vayamos a Él, y veamos donde mora, y conozcamos Su casa, la Casa del Mesías. No te pierdas esta fascinante serie de SUMtv Latino presentado por el Pr. Daniel Miranda.¿Sabías que Jesús tiene una casa? Así es, pero no había orando Salomón "Pero ¿es verdad que Dios morará sobre la tierra? He aquí que los cielos, los cielos de los cielos, no te pueden contener; ¿cuánto menos esta casa que yo he edificado?" (1 Reyes 8:27) . Dios no habita en templos hechos de mano, pero condescendió para poder morar con nosotros. Cuando los primeros discípulos comenzaron a seguir a Jesús le preguntaron, "¿Dónde moras?" Jesús les respondió: "Venid y ved". Así también Jesús nos invita a que vayamos a Él, y veamos donde mora, y conozcamos Su casa, la Casa del Mesías. No te pierdas esta fascinante serie de SUMtv Latino presentado por el Pr. Daniel Miranda.
Esta presentación hace parte de nuestro simposio sobre la verdadera educación: La Ciencia de la Verdadera Educación. ¿Por qué un simposio sobre la verdadera educación? La educación no es solamente para los niños y jóvenes, sino que hemos de ser estudiantes por toda la eternidad. El enemigo presenta una falsa educación con sus valores falsos, confusión, y desequilibro. Por eso decidimos dedicar un simposio para tratar este tema tan importante. "Ahora, como nunca antes, necesitamos comprender la verdadera ciencia de la educación. Si dejamos de entender esto, nunca tendremos un lugar en el reino de Dios". - Mente, Carácter y Personalidad, Tomo 1, pág. 66