In this series, Pastor Bohr will pursue some very controversial subjects which for genuine Christians need not be controversial. Some of the topics to be dealt will are these: What is the basis for upholding high Christian standards? Is it alright to lie depending on the circumstances? Is it wrong to wear jewelry? •Is money the root of all evil? What is the relationship between principles and standards? Is all music proper as long as the lyrics are religious? What is worldliness? What's wrong with going to the movies? Isn't all the emphasis on standards a matter of legalism?
The Heart of Health is a call in health program providing viewers with an opportunity to call in and get free medical advice from guests who practice medicine every day.
In the wake of heartbreak, Ron Price’s search for meaning in his life led him to Jesus and a career path in improving human relationships. An author, speaker, life coach, humorist, and mediator, Ron shares tools to help people deal with conflict and live in harmony.
Pr. Stephen Bohr. Study the difficult passages that the Protestant world uses to defend their views on life after death. Learn how to defend what the Bible really teaches on this subject.
Secrets Unsealed weekly Question and Answer program hosted by Pastor Stephen Bohr. Each episode explores Scripture to provide clear, biblically-based answers to your questions, offering spiritual guidance and practical wisdom. Send us your questions at, and they might be featured in our upcoming Q&A episode!
We may have the theological understanding of the Three Angels Messages but do we understand how to make these messages practical and relevant to our lives? In this ten-part series Lo-ammi Richardson will go text-by-text to help break down the commands to fear God, give glory, and worship Him.
On the surface the book of Genesis appears to be a mere collection of ancient stories. But don't be fooled! Beneath the external simplicity lies a secret code which, when broken, reveals in no uncertain terms what will happen in the future. This series reveals the intimate connection between the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and the last book, Revelation. Don't miss this life changing experience!
“God: Fact or Fiction?” is a fascinating 14-part series featuring Subodh Pandit, MD that explores the Big Bang, evolution, science, the existence of God, and the claims of religion. Intellectually honest. Engaging. Challenging. It will keep you on the edge of your seat!
"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31) How can we use food to glorify God? When we honor our bodies by fueling them with the natural God-given foods presented in the Bible, we feel capable to carry out the mission God has for our lives. This series, featuring many educated hosts, will show you step-by-step how to create all the delicious vegetarian/vegan recipes you need to enjoy your food and live well!
Bible Answers Live is a live call-in radio program where callers can have their questions answered directly from the Bible. A dynamic 60-minute radio broadcast in which listeners like you are the program! You’ll get accurate, biblical answers to difficult Bible questions.
Marriage is a life-long commitment, playing a big role in our experience on earth. Therefore in a season of courtship we must be very wise. How do we know who "Mr/Mrs Right" is? If we are fortunate enough to be around other single God-fearing men and women, how do we choose? What are the boundaries? In this five-part series host Dojcin Zivadinovic will lay out what he considers "The 7 steps to Godly marriage", which covers the topics of: Spiritual Prepartion, Noticing, Observation and Consultation, Invitation and Courtship, Engagement and Marriage.
It Is Written is the flagship program of the It Is Written ministry, which for more than six decades has shared the transforming teachings of the Bible directly from the pages of God’s Word. Presented by Pastor John Bradshaw and often filmed in fascinating and visually stunning locations around the world, It Is Written covers a wide range of Biblical subjects and shares faith in Jesus Christ as the hope of the world.
Mike and René Lemon are the hosts for It Is Written Canada, a nationwide television ministry that spotlights the life-transforming power of trusting God’s Word.
Just like any other well-working machine, our bodies need the correct maintenance and fuel for optimal function. NEWSTART is a physician monitored, scientifically researched lifestyle-change program based on eight fundamental principles: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air,Rest and Trust in God.
Magnificent current events are rapidly fulfilling bible prophecy in every detail. This series shows you recent key envelopments including many behind-the-scenes and covert efforts to change society to accept false worship. Firebell in The Night will show how close we are to the precipice of major changes to religious liberty. Topics include: the evangelical rise to power, the ecumenical movement's devastating effect on Protestants and Politics, emotionalizing American politics to prepare for a Sunday Law, and the prophetic rise of violent racism. This series will also show you the astounding events that will happen under the power of the Latter Rain. Many Christians are asleep. This will wake you up to the compelling circumstances of our times.
Anchor is a seminary-level course of study on the fundamentals of Seventh-day Adventist theology, taught by Pastor Stephen Bohr. The mission of ANCHOR is to settle students into the Truth both intellectually and spiritually so that they cannot be moved and to provide the theological skills to share with others the reason for the hope that is in them.
This series was presented at the Secrets Unsealed Summit. The presenters focused on various matters related to the investigative pre-Advent judgment that began in 1844 and will end at the close of probation. The series not only contains theological concepts but also practical tips for daily living in preparation to stand before the judgment bar of God. The series includes a Q&A session.
Are you afraid of the uncertain future? Do you feel overwhelmed with pivotal decisions? Who can help us? In this gripping series Pastor Stephen Bohr helps bring light to these dark questions through a study of God's final message to planet earth. As world history comes to a close, don't be one of the many lost and afraid. Find comfort in knowing that God has predicted it all and prepared a plan.
Our great nation was established on the principles of justice and liberty. The Supreme Court was designed to maintain these virtues for each and every person. But will they always? What is in store for us as a nation of liberty and freedom? In His great mercy, God has given us warning of what will soon take place that our faith will not be shaken when it comes to pass.
In this busy world it can feel difficult finding time for long hours of study on any given subject. But it's important we do not neglect our study of the Bible; the true foundation for our lives. In this series Pastor Dennis Priebe will condense the basic topics of the gospel into 10 minute segments to help absorb God's word efficiently. In six parts this series will cover: What is sin? - Who is Jesus Christ and how did He live? - What is possible for us?
How many Christians today, even within our own churches, are struggling in darkness, in doubt and bondage to sin? Longing to be truly free . . . Yet our Mighty God has assured us, that He sent His Son Jesus for this very reason . . . To set every captive free! And He says to you and I today, "Now ye ARE clean, through the Word which I have spoken unto you," and "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect!" Is this even possible? . . . and if so, How? Come and join us, as we open God's Word together. Learn how to believe unto Salvation (deliverance, freedom, healing and restoration) , and how to take hold of and appropriate by faith His every promise as your very own!
On the surface the book of Genesis appears to be a mere collection of ancient stories. But don't be fooled! Beneath the external simplicity lies a secret code which, when broken, reveals in no uncertain terms what will happen in the future. This series reveals the intimate connection between the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and the last book, Revelation. Don't miss this life changing experience!
Explore the incredible prophecies of the Bible that reveal the secret principles behind the new world order and its destiny. Who will control the new globalization? Discover the secret of how to live in a globalized world without compromising your principles.
President Hans Thygeson and co-founder Mindy Thygeson worked together to implement Impact Hope, a sponsorship program that sends refugee students to safer Christian boarding schools throughout Rwanda. At these Christian boarding schools the refugees enjoy better living conditions, quality education, and an opportunity to learn more about God and His loving plan for them. Through this opportunity they can graduate with career eligibility and move their families out of the refugee camps for good!
Secrets Unsealed weekly Question and Answer program hosted by Pastor Stephen Bohr. Each episode explores Scripture to provide clear, biblically-based answers to your questions, offering spiritual guidance and practical wisdom. Send us your questions at, and they might be featured in our upcoming Q&A episode!
Acompañe al pastor Bohr en esta nueva serie "Certeza y Paz en Tiempos Dificiles", una serie de 10 temas donde se tratará esta importante temática.
esenredar una red de errores puede ser agotador y complejo. En esta serie aprenderás a discernir lo falso de lo verdadero. El movimiento Davidiano, alias, "La Vara del Pastor", ha atrapado a muchos estudiantes incautos de la Biblia que buscan la "Verdad Presente". Al concluir esta serie usted reconocerá y estará apto para refutar la mayor parte de las doctrinas davidianas, tales como Ezequiel 9, la piedra de Daniel 2, y el reino pre-milenario, así como las referencias bíblicas y del Espíritu de Profecía más usados. Usted tendrá un mayor conocimiento de la verdad al redescubrir la belleza del adventismo, prevenir el engaño y ayudar a alguien que ya está envuelto con un grupo disidente.
Acompañe a la nutricionista María José Hummel quien nos enseñará cómo prevenir la Diabetes y Pre- Diabetis e incluso como revertirla. Esta serie de 5 presentaciones prácticas son muy educativas y de beneficio para la salud de todos.
Abordando verdades perennes y aplicándolas a la vida diaria. Personas de todos los credos y religiones, incluso quienes no profesan tener fe, han sido inspiradas por las presentaciones directas y elevadoras de Escrito Está.
¿Sabías que Jesús tiene una casa? Así es, pero no había orando Salomó n "Pero ¿es verdad que Dios morará sobre la tierra? He aquí que los cielos, los cielos de los cielos, no te pueden contener; ¿cuánto menos esta casa que yo he edificado?" (1 Reyes 8:27). Dios no habita en templos hechos de mano, pero condescendió para poder morar con nosotros. Cuando los primeros discípulos comenzaron a seguir a Jesús le preguntaron, "¿Dónde moras?" Jesús les respondió: "Venid y ved". Así también Jesús nos invita a que vayamos a Él, y veamos donde mora, y conozcamos Su casa, la Casa del Mesías. No te pierdas esta fascinante serie de SUMtv Latino presentado por el Pr. Daniel Miranda.¿Sabías que Jesús tiene una casa? Así es, pero no había orando Salomón "Pero ¿es verdad que Dios morará sobre la tierra? He aquí que los cielos, los cielos de los cielos, no te pueden contener; ¿cuánto menos esta casa que yo he edificado?" (1 Reyes 8:27) . Dios no habita en templos hechos de mano, pero condescendió para poder morar con nosotros. Cuando los primeros discípulos comenzaron a seguir a Jesús le preguntaron, "¿Dónde moras?" Jesús les respondió: "Venid y ved". Así también Jesús nos invita a que vayamos a Él, y veamos donde mora, y conozcamos Su casa, la Casa del Mesías. No te pierdas esta fascinante serie de SUMtv Latino presentado por el Pr. Daniel Miranda.
Generalmente cuando se habla de mayordomía se piensa en dinero. Pero el tema de la mayordomía es mucho más abarcante pues incluye todas las dimensiones de la vida--el tiempo, los talentos, la influencia, la salud y los recursos materiales. En esta serie el Pastor Jorge Sá nchez presenta el tema de la mayordomía desde una perspectiva amplia, profunda y sencilla.
En este estudio el pastor Zárate compartirá a profundidad los engaños del enemigo y cómo desenmascararlo. Una serie de 10 temas de mucha importancia en nuestros tiempos.
esenredar una red de errores puede ser agotador y complejo. En esta serie aprenderás a discernir lo falso de lo verdadero. El movimiento Davidiano, alias, "La Vara del Pastor", ha atrapado a muchos estudiantes incautos de la Biblia que buscan la "Verdad Presente". Al concluir esta serie usted reconocerá y estará apto para refutar la mayor parte de las doctrinas davidianas, tales como Ezequiel 9, la piedra de Daniel 2, y el reino pre-milenario, así como las referencias bíblicas y del Espíritu de Profecía más usados. Usted tendrá un mayor conocimiento de la verdad al redescubrir la belleza del adventismo, prevenir el engaño y ayudar a alguien que ya está envuelto con un grupo disidente.
Abordando verdades perennes y aplicándolas a la vida diaria. Personas de todos los credos y religiones, incluso quienes no profesan tener fe, han sido inspiradas por las presentaciones directas y elevadoras de Escrito Está.
Acompañe al pastor Daniel Gouveia en la serie titulada Luz en mi Camino, una serie de estudios que le ayudarán en su conocimiento y el estudio de la palabra de Dios.
En esta serie de temas el Pastor Bohr explica en minucioso detalle los métodos de estudio que debemos usar al estudiar las profecías. La serie no es primordialmente una interpretación de las profecías sino más bien un método para estudiarlas e interpretarlas correctamente. Usted mismo aprenderá a estudiar e interpretar las profecías usando métodos que le llevaran a conclusiones acertadas. Vivimos en tiempos proféticos y necesitamos explicar en forma clara y sencilla a dónde estamos en la gran cadena profética y cuáles eventos pronto estallarán en el escenario mundial. Esta serie es el resultado de años de investigación. Al aplicar estos 15 principios, usted mismo podrá entender y exponer las profecías con claridad y poder.
Esta presentación hace parte de nuestro simposio sobre la verdadera educación: La Ciencia de la Verdadera Educación. ¿Por qué un simposio sobre la verdadera educación? La educación no es solamente para los niños y jóvenes, sino que hemos de ser estudiantes por toda la eternidad. El enemigo presenta una falsa educación con sus valores falsos, confusión, y desequilibro. Por eso decidimos dedicar un simposio para tratar este tema tan importante. "Ahora, como nunca antes, necesitamos comprender la verdadera ciencia de la educación. Si dejamos de entender esto, nunca tendremos un lugar en el reino de Dios". - Mente, Carácter y Personalidad, Tomo 1, pág. 66
La iglesia Adventista tiene muchas doctrinas en común con otras iglesias pero hay dos doctrinas que son autóctonas: El gran conflicto universal entre el bien y el mal y el servicio del santuario. En esta serie el Pastor Esteban Bohr explica el problema universal del pecado y como lo soluciona Dios en el santuario.
La Voz de la Esperanza presenta Esperanza Abundante