In the late 1950s a group of ski enthusiasts in Maine built a ski area on Spruce Mountain in North Jay -- they cleared trails, bought and installed a rope tow, built a warm-up hut, and sold tickets. It was a great little slope, and lots of people came to ski, but access to the area was difficult, so after two short seasons they decided to move the entire operation to a hilly cow pasture, closer to town. They even moved the name of the area -- Spruce Mountain in North Jay was still Spruce Mountain, but the new ski area was also called Spruce Mountain. Interestingly, today most people in the towns of Livermore Falls and Jay don't know that the original Spruce Mountain exists, even though it's the only actual mountain in the two towns. A film by Rick Groleau of Livermore Falls, ME.
Broadcast In: English Duration: 0:54:46