While there may be many ways to say it, having a conversation about death and dying is hard. Many find the topic of death, whether their own or a family member's, difficult to think about, talk about, much less plan. But there is a growing sentiment that "quality of life" can't be achieved without planning for a "quality end of life." Although, achieving that often means navigating cultural, economic, social, religious, and family issues. It's often easier just not to think about it. When addressed properly, end-of-life planning can be comforting for all involved. When ignored, it can tear families apart and harm the health of those left behind. Only one-third of adults have advance care plans, and the number is even lower for Black and Hispanic communities. The inevitability of death came into sharp focus for so many impacted by COVID-19. The clock is ticking. We must talk about this. Going Your Way is a one-hour documentary that focuses on the personal, medical, and spiritual issues surrounding end-of-life care, the options available, and steps that can be taken to put those wishes to practical use. The documentary's title highlights the active role many people are now taking to ensure their death goes according to their own plans and wishes. End-of-life planning doesn't have to be painful. We'll learn from the experts and real people who have stories to share about preparing for life and death.
Broadcast In: English Duration: 1:00:00