Setting sail on the Mediterranean, Rick explores the ins and outs and pros and cons of cruising. He learns how to get the most out of a cruise, and exercises his independence to make smart use of limited time on shore by planning well, avoiding lines, and eating quick-but-local meals on the go. Along with the joys and efficiencies of cruising, Rick considers the downsides, including the inevitable congestion and commercialism that comes with mass tourism.
Lauren Fox, Correspondent; Jerry Brown, Former California Governor; Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, World Health Organization Director-General. Hari Sreenivasan interviews Leslie Kaufman, Reporter, Bloomberg Business.
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. visits tiny towns in Calabria, Italy to trace the roots of talk show host Joy Behar and actor Michael Imperioli, revealing the challenges that their ancestors faced - and overcame - on both sides of the Atlantic.
How did this Norman Duke take over an entire country? Lucy Worsley uncovers William the Conqueror, the infamous victor of the Battle of Hastings, whose brutal invasion of England changed the country forever.
Journey to America features inspiring immigrant stories from those who have come to the United States from other nations and excelled.
This animated series is based on Marc Brown's best-selling books about Arthur Read, an eight-year-old aardvark, his sister D.W., and their family and friends. Arthur has a hard time coming up with a story he thinks will meet everyone else's expectations in "Arthur Writes A Story. " Pal escapes his leash in search of a balloon for Kate in "Arthur's Lost Dog."
The Agents organize a party for villains in order to have a day off from oddness, but only if they succeed in making them happy. / Agent Overhill is retiring but has one last villain to catch before the end of the day.
After a Creature Power Disc mishap, the bros become marooned in the world of the mudskipper, a fish that can walk on land. They must find their discs within a foreign world of intense competition, with unexpected dangers at every turn.
It's Alma's great-grandmother's 100th birthday! Alma wants to find Bisabuela the perfect gift. But even though she can think of all kinds of things that Bisabuela likes, none of them are quite right. Alma has got to think hard about what Bisabuela would love to receive more than anything else.
Liana recruits Lyla to help put together a puzzle with over 1000 pieces in order to win a prize. / Lyla and Luke make their dream of driving a train come true by constructing one they can ride in using household materials.
Carl and Nico argue over who gets to have Arugula as their magician's assistant, but what does Arugula want? / Carl realizes he has trouble listening when playing with a cool collection. Can Sheldon teach him how to become a good listener?
Daniel wants to ride in the stroller to the Music Shop, but Dad shows him that Margaret needs it./O wants to sit in the front of Trolley, but Jodi gets carsick in the back. O realizes that he doesn't need the front seat like she does.
Rosie's going ice skating with the Purple Knight, but when she decides not to wear a coat, she is too cold to skate. / Rosie and Javi find the perfect spot to watch the meteor shower, but it's not as perfect as they thought.
The Amazing Zero is on Sesame Street to help people by taking everything away when they need it to get to zero. Elmo wants to help the Amazing Zero and becomes Super ZerMo! They find Grover who needs to return all his library books. Super ZerMo wants to help and tries taking all of the books to the library but forgets a couple of books. Then he tries helping Grandma Nell wash her laundry but accidentally leaves a couple laundry baskets behind. Super ZerMo gives up; he can't make zero of anything. The Amazing Zero encourages Super ZerMo to not give up. They hear Abby needs help and Elmo realizes he can't give up; his friends need his help. Super ZerMo moves the bouncy balls to the playground and saves Abby's block tower. The Amazing Zero congratulates Super ZerMo. Sesame Street is in good hands with a hero like him!
JunJun loves ice cream -- ube ice cream, especially -- but he also loves sleep. Sleeping late, sleeping in, staying tucked up in bed for just as longgggg as he can, which is a problem when the Eat 'N Greet holds its first-ever "Ice Cream for Breakfast" day. Can Zadie wake up her sleepyhead best friend before last call? / Can Zeke really clean Super's big, messy closet all by his little self? (There are a TON of boxes of many shapes and sizes.) With Louisa's help, he can once they get their imaginary "house" built, cross a raging river, and discover how triangles, squares, and rectangles fit together nicely.
When Donkey hurts her hoof and can't go to Cheesy Con with Panda, Panda brings Cheesy Con to her!/Stanley's one-dragon show isn't going as he planned. Can his pals help him get things back on track in time for opening night?
"Invasion of the Flutterbugs" The Pinkertons are shocked to find their house is suddenly swarming with Flutterbugs! What could possibly be drawing them in and more importantly, how can Pinkalicious and Peter get them to leave? Curriculum: (Music) Exploring the musical concept of a repeat song as a means to communicate, connect and make music. "Ballet of the Bells" Pinkalicious and Peter find a box of handbells and their playing attracts the fairy, Bellerina! She tells them that if they continue practicing, even more fairies will come dance to their music. But can the show go on when Peter accidentally breaks one of the bells? Curriculum: (Music) Bell music; bells make higher or lower pitches depending on their size. Interstitial: Kids from the Boston City Singers discuss the fundamentals of singing.
Burrowing Owl Girl - Elinor is very excited, because she's visiting her grandparents in the desert. While out exploring with her grandmother, the always curious Elinor comes across a peculiar looking owl that is smaller than any other owl she's ever seen. Even more peculiar, this owl is out during the day! How can that be? After some careful observations, she realizes she DOESN'T know everything there is to know about owls, and learns that the owl she spotted is a burrowing owl, which lives in the desert and runs around during the day. Elinor is reminded that nature is full of surprises! Olive's Tree - Olive shows her friends her favorite tree in the forest. The next day, however, they're sad to see that the tree has fallen over. The three little scientists set out to find out why, and soon learn that Olive's tree has simply entered the final stage of its life cycle. Trees go from a seed, to sprout, to sapling, to full mature tree and finally, to a wildlife tree, which is a tree that has fallen over. Even though the tree has fallen, Olive is comforted to know that it will still be around for a long time, providing a home to many creatures in the forest.
Next up on Nature Cat’s Nature Curiosity List: Niagara Falls. That's right, the Niagara Falls, as in the three most famous waterfalls in the world of waterfalls. The gang can’t wait to set off on the exciting journey to the falls, but there’s one problem...Nature Cat won't go anywhere near all - that – water. During a rousing game of nature tag, Nature Cat runs out of energy. Oh no! Now he can’t play anymore. What’s he going to do? That’s simple -- Daisy teaches Nature Cat that all he needs to do to gain more energy is eat. Nature Cat wishes he was more like a plant, because he wouldn't have to worry about running out of energy or eating, but Daisy says that plants need energy too. Hold on. Are you telling me that plants can eat? That’s right, Daisy teaches the gang all about how plants make their own food through photosynthesis.
Molly finds a lost baby beluga! With the help of her mom, Professor Locklear, and Suki, she decides to paddleboard a bore tide to try and reunite the baby with their mother, but will they make it before the bore tide ends? / When Molly goes fishing with Grandpa Nat, an errant cast snags Molly's lucky fishing hat and sends it flying into the stream. This launches Molly and Grandpa Nat on a grand adventure to follow the hat to try to get it back!
I am Helen Keller Yadina becomes increasingly frustrated as she tries to read a book to Dr. Zoom, but has to keep stopping since it has words in it she doesn't know. Learning to read is SO hard - she feels like she'll never be able to do it. Xavier knows just what his little sister needs to the Secret Museum! Our heroes travel back in time to meet someone truly incredible, who had to overcome a whole lot to learn how to do just about anything: Helen Keller. Watching Helen first learn what words are, then how to read, and finally how to speak, all in her own unique way, inspires Yadina to go home and try to find her own way to learn to read. Because, as Helen shows her, there are many different ways to learn. Curriculum: "There are many different ways to learn" I am Alexander Graham Bell Losing his voice is frustrating enough for Brad, but it doesn't help matters when Xavier and Yadina do all the talking for him instead of trying to listen. To the Secret Museum! Brad takes his friends back in time to meet someone who worked his whole life to help people be heard: Alexander Graham Bell. Watching Alexander first help his deaf mother, then his whole school of deaf students, have their voices heard in any way they can, helps Xavier and Yadina realize that they should've tried harder to listen to Brad, even when they couldn't technically hear him. It's important to listen to everyone. Curriculum: "Listen to everyone."
Guess which glorious Grand Rapids treasures have soared since 2008, including a Navajo Germantown blanket, a 1967 Gerald Ford letter, and an 1881 Jasper Cropsey oil painting. One has an updated appraisal of $150,000!
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. visits tiny towns in Calabria, Italy to trace the roots of talk show host Joy Behar and actor Michael Imperioli, revealing the challenges that their ancestors faced - and overcame - on both sides of the Atlantic.
How did this Norman Duke take over an entire country? Lucy Worsley uncovers William the Conqueror, the infamous victor of the Battle of Hastings, whose brutal invasion of England changed the country forever.
The Prohibition era (1920-1933) gave rise to a new generation of romantic "characters" - the flapper, the private eye, the organized crime boss and the bootlegger. One such bootlegger, pioneering rum runner Bill McCoy, earned the name "The Real McCoy" because he always delivered uncut, undiluted gin, rum and whiskey to his happy patrons. Based on the book by Frederick Van de Water, THE REAL MCCOY recounts the extraordinary life and legendary exploits of this man who personified the tumultuous times in which he lived.
Eduardo uses a business card to uncover California underground secrets. Can Elyse link a shotgun to a bloody gang massacre? Gwen finds ties between a Society Circus and FDR’s New Deal.
PBS NewsHour provides in-depth analysis of current events with a news summary, live studio interviews and discussions of domestic and international issues. Amna Nawaz and Geoff Bennett co-anchor.
Watch the live coverage of President Biden delivering his farewell address to the nation from the Oval Office, reflecting on his four-year presidency as he concludes his time in office.
For years, Patrick Dykstra has traveled the globe following and diving with whales, learning how whales see, hear and perceive other creatures in the water. In Dominica, Patrick has a life changing experience - a close encounter with a sperm whale he names "Delores." Witness Patrick and the whale attempt to communicate with each other in extraordinary footage.
Join astrophysicist and novelist Janna Levin on a mind-blowing voyage to the frontiers of black hole science, which is shining new light on the most powerful and mysterious objects in the universe.
The discovery of a skeleton, dating to the Roman occupation of Britain, provokes further study after scientists see an iron nail driven through its heel bone. Could the remains belong to someone the Romans crucified? Despite hundreds, if not thousands, of people being crucified in the Roman Empire, only one other crucified skeleton has ever been found in the world. Who was this person? What was his life in Roman Britain like? And what could they have done to receive so harsh a punishment?
Examine new evidence, gathered from archaeology, Roman historians, Jewish texts and insights into the Gospels, that suggests Roman power politics led to the series of events that resulted in the crucifixion of Jesus.
Examine new evidence, gathered from archaeology, Roman historians, Jewish texts and insights into the Gospels, that suggests Roman power politics led to the series of events that resulted in the crucifixion of Jesus.
Elizabeth's enemies grow in strength, but her spymaster Robert Cecil also fights an enemy within. An ambitious aristocrat is trying to take over his network. At stake is control over the aging queen and the power to choose the next King of England.
Music journalist A. Scott Galloway joins BLACK NOUVEAU to discuss a newly released recording of a live Al Jarreau concert performed at the Childe Harold in 1976. The album, “WOW” begins a commemoration and celebration of Jarreau’s birth 85 years ago. also, former journalist, now author Vivian King discusses her new children's book, “Grace Welcomes the Lady Next Door.” And, we look back on the recent Milwaukee Fatherhood Summit, held at the end of 2023 at the Milwaukee Academy of Sciences. BLACK NOUVEAU also talks with producer and filmmaker Felicia D. Henderson about her new award winning short film, “The Rebel Girls.”
Test cook Keith Dresser makes Bridget an updated recipe for an Italian staple: Chicken Piccata. Then, tasting expert Jack Bishop challenges Julia to a tasting of unsalted butter, and science expert Dan Souza explains the science behind fat and temperature perception. Finally, Bridget and Julia unlock the secrets to making the ultimate Chocolate Semifreddo.
Test Cook Morgan Bolling and host Bridget Lancaster head outside to make North Carolina Barbecue Pork. Equipment expert Adam Ried shares our recommended fire pits for cooking. Test Cook Carmen Dongo makes host Julia Collin Davison Lemonade with Honey.
Sir David Attenborough unearths a once in a lifetime discovery: the fossil of a giant Pliosaur, the largest Jurassic predator ever known. Follow a team of forensic experts on a perilous expedition to excavate the skull, uncover the predatory secrets lying deep inside the fossil, and unlock clues about the life of this giant sea beast.
Join astrophysicist and novelist Janna Levin on a mind-blowing voyage to the frontiers of black hole science, which is shining new light on the most powerful and mysterious objects in the universe.
Join a team of investigators as they search for the identity of the captain of a "mystery ship" that turned away from the "unsinkable" Titanic in its darkest hour, abandoning thousands of lives to the icy waters and their deaths.
Baratunde treks along the coast of North Carolina and discovers surprising ways in which history has shaped these environments. He explores a daunting swamp, soars above the dunes on a Wright Brothers glider and tracks wild horses on the beach.
Lizard opens your chest and stretches your back, while Locust strengthens it. Relax comfortably at the end of your session with Flapping Fish.
Bow your body upward, hold your feet, and balance on your belly. Then bow down for a counterpose to stretch out your back.
"Explore with wonder and openness to become the expanded hero of your life." Feel free on your mat to explore, be playful, and experience something new. This YNDI Flow filmed at sunset with sprawling hills in the background offers fun transitions to strengthen, stretch, improve balance, and feel liberated. Tap into joy with this practice!
Relax in the golden desert bloom as you enjoy easy to follow yoga moves for your whole body. Includes seated sun salutations along with gentle stretches to create more ease in your neck, shoulders, chest, back, hips and more while using a chair for support.
This beginner's workout is perfect for relieving back pain. Join Miranda Esmonde-White for a standing and barre workout that loosens and liberates your entire back, leaving your pain free.
This fun, upbeat, workout is sure to leave your body feeling and functioning better. A large ball is used to increase range of motion. The weight segment is done standing to improve balance.
Joseph takes off for Northwest Ontario, a region distinguished by Canada's great outdoors. On the 300-mile drive along the Trans-Canada Highway from Thunder Bay, on Northwest Ontario's eastern edge, to Kenora, near its Western border with Manitoba, the granite outcroppings of the Canadian Shield are revealed and the boreal forest covers the landscape. And there's water, water everywhere. Within its 204,000 square miles there are just 250,000 people, yet there are 5,000 wilderness camps and lodges and 150,000 fishable lakes. Joseph engages in fishing, hiking, climbing, kayaking, canoeing, sailing - if it can be done outside then Joseph's doing it.
Samantha kicks off her visit at the beautiful Rose Island Lighthouse, just off the coast of Newport, and learns from preservationist Charlotte Johnson about how the island and its historic structures were saved, and are now available for overnight guests. In Newport, Samantha visits what is likely the oldest family business in America--the John Stevens shop--where Nick Benson and his family carry on the ancient craft of stone carving in a building older than the United States itself. With history found in every plot of ground, Samantha meets Newport Historian Keith Stokes, who reveals the hidden history of God's Little Acre, a Colonial-era cemetery whose gravestones tell the story of the African American experience in Rhode Island. They also visit Division Street, where advocates for religious freedom and the abolition of slavery were once uneasy neighbors with slave traders. Strolling on Newport's famous Cliff Walk, Samantha takes in spectacular views of the windswept Atlantic and Gilded Age mansions before stepping inside Marble House, the "cottage" owned by Alva Vanderbilt, a champion of the American suffragette movement. No visit to Rhode Island is complete without clams so Samantha takes to the water to try her hand at harvesting these mouth-watering mollusks with a little help from local shell fisherman David Ghigliotti. Samantha enjoys these fruits of the sea compliments of TR McGrath, whose family business carries on the tradition of Rhode Island clambakes. TR teaches Samantha how to end her Rhode Island trip right by making the perfect Rhode Island clam chowder-then treats her to a seaside lobster and clambake to top it all off.
Travel can have an enormous influence on the work of any artist. Luana Rubin shares some of the great quilts she saw at Quilt Canada 2022. Valerie Goodwin uses the map as a jumping off place for her art and explains how she creates map-themed art with a sense of place.
Sarah and Roger visit a most interesting roadside stop on Rt. 66 with relics from the past including old automobiles, a soda shop, rusty signs and all things Route 66. Back in his studio Roger uses oil paints to depict one of the unrestored antique cars on display at the property.
Jerry continues building the background and underpainting starting with layering to build the multiple values and colors. Then he makes smudges along the shoreline which will ultimately become an area of fallen logs. Now Jerry adds hot spots to help make the painting come alive, building brighter lights with every contrast of color added.
Kevin and Tommy install a skylight. Richard talks about ducts. The homeowner's mother shares her craft for the house. Kevin tours a range factory in Pennsylvania established 1880. Charlie and Tom repair the original wood gutters on the house.
Join Nancy Zieman at the Quilt Expo in Madison, WI, for a modern gathering of all things quilting. The term "quilting bee" might bring to mind faded images of women gathered around a quilt stretched on a frame. Now, ponder the term "modern quilting bee," an image with thousands of quilt enthusiasts at a convention center.
The fall and winter holidays call for big celebrations with friends and family and, of course, lots of baking! Sara has the perfect recipes for any occasion. For Thanksgiving - roasted glazed pears topped with shortbread pecan brittle and creme fraiche. For Christmas Eve, a comforting warm chocolate cheesecake. And for Christmas morning - sticky buns that are super quick because they don't require yeast. On Ask Sara, answers to a viewer's question about vanilla beans.
Test cook Dan Souza makes Bridget Sous Vide Seared Steaks. Equipment expert Adam Ried then reviews his top pick for sous vide machines, and test cook Elle Simone makes a show stopping sous vide staple: Soft-Poached Eggs.
Bryan Roof visits El Paso, Texas and shares his version of Texas-Style Smoked Beef Ribs with host Bridget Lancaster. Equipment expert Adam Ried shares his top picks for charcoal. Toni Tipton-Martin discusses the history of self-rising flour, and Lawman Johnson makes host Julia Collin Davison Easy Blueberry Cobbler.
Cooking teacher and author of "The New Fanny Farmer Cookbook" Marion Cunningham shows chef Julia Child how to make a series of easy and delicious quickbreads, an American bakery staple. She makes moist buttermilk crumb muffins from a hundred year-old recipe that are good enough to eat on their own. Then she bakes scones, half done in the traditional shape, half made in a roll-up style, served with butter, whipped cream and raspberries. Finally, she creates unbelievably easy- to-make Irish soda bread, and fluffy popovers served with a drizzling of honey.
Chef Jasper White creates a New England fish chowder and his special pan-roasted lobster. He also demonstrates his trick for getting all the meat out of a lobster claw.
Test cook Sam Block makes host Bridget Lancaster spicy Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches. Equipment expert Adam Ried reviews saute pans. Test cook Keith Dresser makes host Julia Collin Davison Steak Tips with Mushroom-Onion Gravy.
Bridget Lancaster and Julia Collin Davison bake a Wisconsin favorite, Cream Cheese Kringle, and Toni Tipton-Martin shares the story of how Kringle made it to Wisconsin from Denmark. Bryan Roof visits Milwaukee and makes Bridget a state-wide favorite, Fried Cheese Curds with Ranch Dressing.
What makes the perfect cheesecake? Milk Street heads into the kitchen to find out! Rose Hattabaugh leads the way with Basque Cheesecake, a dessert known for its "burnt" surface and creamy-smooth center. Christopher Kimball then puts cream cheese on the sidelines with Ricotta-Semolina Cheesecake. Plus, we investigate how the color of bakeware affects a recipe and make homemade creme fraiche.
On this week's episode of Moveable Feast with Relish, host Alex Thomopoulos travels to Orlando, the "City Beautiful". There, Alex joins beloved local chefs Trina Gregory, Gregory Propst and Shelby Farrell to gather ingredients from a 400-acre family farm and a holistic chicken farm. Together, they prepare a wonderful feast including cucumber pickle brine, grilled mojo chicken, and the perfect southern deviled egg.
Lauren Fox, Correspondent; Jerry Brown, Former California Governor; Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, World Health Organization Director-General. Hari Sreenivasan interviews Leslie Kaufman, Reporter, Bloomberg Business.
Eric Hanson treks through the breathtaking landscapes of Helena, Montana.
In Madison, Wisconsin, there’s a famous street that connects the Wisconsin State Capitol to the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. State Street has been a pedestrian mall since the 1970s and is lined with diverse shops, restaurants and art that makes it the go-to place to experience the Madison vibe.
Hosted by Sumi Somaskanda, BBC NEWS AMERICA gives audiences a detailed look into news stories from around the world from the BBC news desk in Washington DC.
Hosted by Christian Fraser, BBC NEWS THE CONTEXT gives audiences a detailed look into news stories from around the world through discussions with expert panelists.
Tensions are rising high in Chloe's team as two children go missing after being left alone by their parents in a hotel.
Chloe and Rocher are investigating the death of a painter which leads them to a strange connection to another murder from back in 1945.
BBC NEWS gives audiences a detailed look into news stories from around the world. Targeted to an audience looking for more depth to their daily coverage, it features field reporting with breakdowns from regional correspondents and expert guests covering a broad range of topics from breaking news to the latest in sport.
PBS NewsHour provides in-depth analysis of current events with a news summary, live studio interviews and discussions of domestic and international issues. Amna Nawaz and Geoff Bennett co-anchor.
A gun that may have belonged to a member of Al Capone's gang is examined; historians are consulted for a letter allegedly written by John Wilkes Booth's father; and, a strange device meant to guard against grave robbers is highlighted.
Sheri offers a new take on collards with recipes for green curry and coconut creamed collards as well as collard salad with bacon dressing. She shares how to use every part of the leaf and explores an amazing range of collard varieties with Utopian Seed Project's Chris Smith. Sheri then meets Glenn and Dorsey Hunt of the Lumbee Tribe at a street festival and makes their famous collard sandwiches.
Joanne visits a small town in Eastern Washington to see how this rural wine-making community honors breakfast. From simple bacon and eggs, to French beignets, to scones and a Joanne-inspired breakfast pizza, you'll see why your mom always told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Pizza Dough; Bacon and Egg Breakfast Pizza; Sharp Cheddar and Green Onion Scones with Chive Butter.
When I was growing up, dessert at a barbecue was an afterthought. Sliced watermelon or fruit salad. Maybe pie from a local bakery. It never occurred to us to grill dessert—unless it was a marshmallow roasted over a campfire and sandwiched with graham crackers and chocolate to make that camping favorite: s’mores. How times have changed! We now grill pineapples and pound cake. We smoke-roast crumbles and crisps. We smoke apples and even ice cream. Desserts aren’t just served as barbecue: they’ve become the barbecue itself. THAI COCONUT BANANAS SALT SLAB-GRILLED PEARS WITH AMARETTI AND SMOKED WHIPPED CREAM GRILLED POUND CAKE WITH FRESH BERRY SALSA DESSERT QUESADILLAS SMOKED ICE CREAM WITH RUM RAISIN SAUCE
In this painting, Bob Ross' icy blue mountains capture the mood of a cold winter's day.
You don't need a degree in barbecue to know that vegetables have hit the grill big time. Veggies for hardcore carnivores who crave killer accompaniments to their favorite grilled meats. Veggies for health-conscious grillers who want to incorporate more grilled vegetables into their diet. Vegetables for everyone-omnivore, flexivore, vegetarian, vegan-who delights in the smokiness and supernatural sweetness live fire imparts to plant and dairy foods. This show is all about barbecue-hold the meat. NASHVILLE HOT CAULIFLOWER; SMOKED ACORN SQUASH WITH PARMESAN FLAN; A NEW RACLETTE.
Carrie builds and opens a new Hot Little Biscuit location in Charlotte, North Carolina. In the middle of it all is her daughter's birthday.
Kevin helps Tom to adjust where the old house is out of level with new addition. Then he meets Mark to look at stone veneer. Charlie needs to raise the rafters on the back dormer for more headroom. Kevin and the homeowner and designer look at tile.
Host J Schwanke finds ways to re-use, re-purpose, and recycle - including upcycling thrift store vases. Also included: how to recycle a flower arrangement, and building a garden bench from palettes.
London is quintessentially English...yet cosmopolitan. Rick checks out the Millennium Bridge and the British Museum's Great Court; and admires the old--well-wrapped mummies and a rare Leonardo. After bantering with Beefeaters at the Tower of London, he does some riverside beach-combing. He strolls the trendy South Bank of the Thames from the Tate Modern to the dizzying London Eye. (5 of 13)
Visit this deep wooded valley with Bob Ross and get a double surprise -- two beautiful waterfalls!
Husband and wife team, Paige and Juan met while working at a popular restaurant before creating Magdalena's Catering and Events, which has become one of Fort Worth's premier catering companies with a food truck, a permanent supper club, and a Spanish tapas restaurant.
In a lush setting by a tranquil pond, "Practice for Balance" is inspired by the stillness of water to quiet the mind, and improve focus and balance. The yoga class, amidst the soothing sounds of nature, begins seated with postures close to the ground to feel the connection with the breath and basic balancing techniques to center yourself. The balancing in the standing portion of the practice teaches you how to hold yourself, refine alignment, and distribute weight, as well as use your gaze, or dristi, to keep your mind anchored in the present moment and the body safe. When the body can balance safely, the mind is in harmony, and the spirit is free.
Karle Lagerfel has said, "One is never over-dressed or underdressed with a Little Black Dress." Another quote: "What is it about wearing that little black dress, that makes us feel confident, beautiful, splendid, even invincible? We put on a dress and suddenly we become extraordinary. On the days when you feel low and invisible, why not try this on for size: imagine you are wearing a stunning black dress. And then proceed with your day." Today on Fit 2 Stitch, we learn the power of that little black dress.
Towering Bob Ross mountains and a frosty moon lit landscape are the setting of Nicholas Hankins old trapper's cabin on the banks of an icy, winding river.
Kevin, Tom, and Charlie install a five-layer Flitch beam. Jenn watches a tree company attach a cable on an old Hemlock for support and then prune an overgrown Crabapple tree. Tom and Charlie prepare for a footing to support the corner chimney.
In a lush setting by a tranquil pond, "Practice for Balance" is inspired by the stillness of water to quiet the mind, and improve focus and balance. The yoga class, amidst the soothing sounds of nature, begins seated with postures close to the ground to feel the connection with the breath and basic balancing techniques to center yourself. The balancing in the standing portion of the practice teaches you how to hold yourself, refine alignment, and distribute weight, as well as use your gaze, or dristi, to keep your mind anchored in the present moment and the body safe. When the body can balance safely, the mind is in harmony, and the spirit is free.
Bridget Lancaster and Julia Collin Davison bake a Wisconsin favorite, Cream Cheese Kringle, and Toni Tipton-Martin shares the story of how Kringle made it to Wisconsin from Denmark. Bryan Roof visits Milwaukee and makes Bridget a state-wide favorite, Fried Cheese Curds with Ranch Dressing.
Test cook Lan Lam makes Bridget the ultimate Grilled Mojo-Marinated Skirt Steak. In the Equipment Corner, equipment expert Adam Ried reviews boning knives. Then, test cook Keith Dresser and host Julia reveal the secrets to the best Peruvian Ceviche recipe.
Alessandra's homecoming to Rome is a chance for her to share the lesser known corners of her city including the street art district, the Pyramid, and the magnificent Palazzo Colonna where a prince's family resides, and to introduce viewers to an eccentric artist who invented a language to describe his fantasy world. A day trip to medieval Viterbo provides a nice contrast to the great capital city and the opportunity to visit an ancient mint where coins are still made as in the Middle Ages. Finally, Alessandra tours a ghost village inside Canale Monterano with a local chef and choreographer and meets an artisan who invented the tamburella instrument which he plays in concert in the charming village of Cervara di Roma.
Jeff, Zack, and Dave, road trip to Grand Canyon National Park's North Rim that only 10 percent of park visitors see each year. Rarely seen footage of the Grand Canyon is captured against a backdrop of strong summer thunderstorms and desert sunrises.
Packing the best of Paris into one episode, Rick Steves scales the Eiffel Tower, then savors classic treats--from steak tartare to creme brulee. He marvels at Monet, Manet, and company, in the stunning Orsay Gallery. Tracing the sad steps of Marie Antoinette, he relives French history, from its bloody revolution, to its extravagant belle epoch.
Bob Ross creates an oval scene with warm brown and gold tones that captures a lonely forest river.
Bridget Lancaster and Julia Collin Davison bake a Wisconsin favorite, Cream Cheese Kringle, and Toni Tipton-Martin shares the story of how Kringle made it to Wisconsin from Denmark. Bryan Roof visits Milwaukee and makes Bridget a state-wide favorite, Fried Cheese Curds with Ranch Dressing.
Test cook Lan Lam makes Bridget the ultimate Grilled Mojo-Marinated Skirt Steak. In the Equipment Corner, equipment expert Adam Ried reviews boning knives. Then, test cook Keith Dresser and host Julia reveal the secrets to the best Peruvian Ceviche recipe.
Karle Lagerfel has said, "One is never over-dressed or underdressed with a Little Black Dress." Another quote: "What is it about wearing that little black dress, that makes us feel confident, beautiful, splendid, even invincible? We put on a dress and suddenly we become extraordinary. On the days when you feel low and invisible, why not try this on for size: imagine you are wearing a stunning black dress. And then proceed with your day." Today on Fit 2 Stitch, we learn the power of that little black dress.
Towering Bob Ross mountains and a frosty moon lit landscape are the setting of Nicholas Hankins old trapper's cabin on the banks of an icy, winding river.
Kevin, Tom, and Charlie install a five-layer Flitch beam. Jenn watches a tree company attach a cable on an old Hemlock for support and then prune an overgrown Crabapple tree. Tom and Charlie prepare for a footing to support the corner chimney.
In a lush setting by a tranquil pond, "Practice for Balance" is inspired by the stillness of water to quiet the mind, and improve focus and balance. The yoga class, amidst the soothing sounds of nature, begins seated with postures close to the ground to feel the connection with the breath and basic balancing techniques to center yourself. The balancing in the standing portion of the practice teaches you how to hold yourself, refine alignment, and distribute weight, as well as use your gaze, or dristi, to keep your mind anchored in the present moment and the body safe. When the body can balance safely, the mind is in harmony, and the spirit is free.
Karle Lagerfel has said, "One is never over-dressed or underdressed with a Little Black Dress." Another quote: "What is it about wearing that little black dress, that makes us feel confident, beautiful, splendid, even invincible? We put on a dress and suddenly we become extraordinary. On the days when you feel low and invisible, why not try this on for size: imagine you are wearing a stunning black dress. And then proceed with your day." Today on Fit 2 Stitch, we learn the power of that little black dress.
Hosts Bridget Lancaster and Julia Collin Davison uncover the secrets to making a weeknight-friendly recipe for tagliatelle with bolognese sauce. Tasting expert Jack Bishop challenges Bridget to a tasting of crushed tomatoes, science expert Dan Souza explains the surprising science behind why you cannot overcook mushrooms, and then test cook Becky Hays makes the ultimate meatless "meat" sauce.
Bridget Lancaster and Julia Collin Davison bake a Wisconsin favorite, Cream Cheese Kringle, and Toni Tipton-Martin shares the story of how Kringle made it to Wisconsin from Denmark. Bryan Roof visits Milwaukee and makes Bridget a state-wide favorite, Fried Cheese Curds with Ranch Dressing.
Test cook Lan Lam makes Bridget the ultimate Grilled Mojo-Marinated Skirt Steak. In the Equipment Corner, equipment expert Adam Ried reviews boning knives. Then, test cook Keith Dresser and host Julia reveal the secrets to the best Peruvian Ceviche recipe.
Alessandra's homecoming to Rome is a chance for her to share the lesser known corners of her city including the street art district, the Pyramid, and the magnificent Palazzo Colonna where a prince's family resides, and to introduce viewers to an eccentric artist who invented a language to describe his fantasy world. A day trip to medieval Viterbo provides a nice contrast to the great capital city and the opportunity to visit an ancient mint where coins are still made as in the Middle Ages. Finally, Alessandra tours a ghost village inside Canale Monterano with a local chef and choreographer and meets an artisan who invented the tamburella instrument which he plays in concert in the charming village of Cervara di Roma.
Jeff, Zack, and Dave, road trip to Grand Canyon National Park's North Rim that only 10 percent of park visitors see each year. Rarely seen footage of the Grand Canyon is captured against a backdrop of strong summer thunderstorms and desert sunrises.
Packing the best of Paris into one episode, Rick Steves scales the Eiffel Tower, then savors classic treats--from steak tartare to creme brulee. He marvels at Monet, Manet, and company, in the stunning Orsay Gallery. Tracing the sad steps of Marie Antoinette, he relives French history, from its bloody revolution, to its extravagant belle epoch.
If you love shrimp, you won't want to miss this episode of Kitchen Queenswhen the ladies of the kitchen share recipes for iconic New Orleans shrimp recipes - Andouille Spiced Gulf Shrimp, Shrimp and Grits and Shrimp Clemenceau.
We're having a birthday bash in the Homemade Live! kitchen this week. Host Joel Gamoran recreates his favorite birthday dinner with a DIY shwarma station. John Kanell of "The Preppy Kitchen" stops by and shares a showstopping birthday cake you can recreate at home. And we finish off with a family-friendly birthday mocktail that's sure to delight party guests of all ages.
Bryan Roof visits Puerto Rico and shares his version of Guanimes con Bacalao with host Toni Tipton-Martin. Tasting expert Jack Bishop talks about Salt Cod, and Lawman Johnson and host Bridget Lancaster whip up delicious Pina Coladas.
When working with simple recipes it's all about building flavor, and two things are important: sourcing quality ingredients and respecting them. Lidia puts winter vegetables center stage in both this Winter Minestrone and Roasted Squash and Carrot Salad with Chickpeas and Almonds. Easily pulled together, this dinner is definitely where you will find the flavor when cooking with Lidia.
If you love shrimp, you won't want to miss this episode of Kitchen Queenswhen the ladies of the kitchen share recipes for iconic New Orleans shrimp recipes - Andouille Spiced Gulf Shrimp, Shrimp and Grits and Shrimp Clemenceau.
In this episode, Bridget and Julia uncover the secrets to the ultimate Braised Brisket with Pomegranate, Cumin, and Cilantro. In the Equipment Corner, equipment expert Adam Ried reviews his top pick for twist corkscrews. Finally, test cook Dan Souza makes a decadent Duchess Potato Casserole.
The Beatles sang it and it has become an anthem for living well. All you need is love. I would add, great food, good wine and wonderful people at your table. As we travel to Italy today, you'll see the embodiment of love in how we cook together, what we cook and the feast after the work. All you need is love and that's what you'll get today. Recipes: Agri Dolce Squash; Pasta Pomodoro; Tuscan Mashed Chickpeas on Toasted Bread.
Packing the best of Paris into one episode, Rick Steves scales the Eiffel Tower, then savors classic treats--from steak tartare to creme brulee. He marvels at Monet, Manet, and company, in the stunning Orsay Gallery. Tracing the sad steps of Marie Antoinette, he relives French history, from its bloody revolution, to its extravagant belle epoch.
Jeff, Zack, and Dave, road trip to Grand Canyon National Park's North Rim that only 10 percent of park visitors see each year. Rarely seen footage of the Grand Canyon is captured against a backdrop of strong summer thunderstorms and desert sunrises.
Alessandra's homecoming to Rome is a chance for her to share the lesser known corners of her city including the street art district, the Pyramid, and the magnificent Palazzo Colonna where a prince's family resides, and to introduce viewers to an eccentric artist who invented a language to describe his fantasy world. A day trip to medieval Viterbo provides a nice contrast to the great capital city and the opportunity to visit an ancient mint where coins are still made as in the Middle Ages. Finally, Alessandra tours a ghost village inside Canale Monterano with a local chef and choreographer and meets an artisan who invented the tamburella instrument which he plays in concert in the charming village of Cervara di Roma.
Bob Ross creates an oval scene with warm brown and gold tones that captures a lonely forest river.
If you love shrimp, you won't want to miss this episode of Kitchen Queenswhen the ladies of the kitchen share recipes for iconic New Orleans shrimp recipes - Andouille Spiced Gulf Shrimp, Shrimp and Grits and Shrimp Clemenceau.
When working with simple recipes it's all about building flavor, and two things are important: sourcing quality ingredients and respecting them. Lidia puts winter vegetables center stage in both this Winter Minestrone and Roasted Squash and Carrot Salad with Chickpeas and Almonds. Easily pulled together, this dinner is definitely where you will find the flavor when cooking with Lidia.
A team investigates the identity of a captain of a "mystery ship" that turned away from the Titanic.
Hear the extraordinary story of bravery and hope after Cyclone Idai strikes Mozambique. The world races to help rescue and support survivors from flooding on a biblical scale.
PBS NewsHour provides in-depth analysis of current events with a news summary, live studio interviews and discussions of domestic and international issues. Amna Nawaz and Geoff Bennett co-anchor.
Leslie Kaufman of Bloomberg Business sits down with Hari Sreenivasan.
How did George III's mental illness change Britain? Lucy Worsley uncovers Royal papers and explores how the assassination attempt on his life changed psychiatry forever.
BBC NEWS gives audiences a detailed look into news stories from around the world. Targeted to an audience looking for more depth to their daily coverage, it features field reporting with breakdowns from regional correspondents and expert guests covering a broad range of topics from breaking news to the latest in sport.
Say goodbye to global guardrails. 2025 will be the year geopolitics goes back to the jungle.
Join astrophysicist Janna Levin on a mind-blowing voyage to the frontiers of black hole science.
A team investigates the identity of a captain of a "mystery ship" that turned away from the Titanic.
Hear the extraordinary story of bravery and hope after Cyclone Idai strikes Mozambique. The world races to help rescue and support survivors from flooding on a biblical scale.
How did George III's mental illness change Britain? Lucy Worsley uncovers Royal papers and explores how the assassination attempt on his life changed psychiatry forever.
Leslie Kaufman of Bloomberg Business sits down with Hari Sreenivasan.
This weekly news analysis program is the only woman-centered national news/talk show on television. Dedicated to the premise that women of all ethnic backgrounds and political persuasions are an important part of the national dialogues, the series provides a platform for the multifaceted views of involved, informed women journalists and commentators. Topics range from women's health to family issues to women in the workplace, the environment, women in finance and education.
The US natural gas pipeline network carries gas from where it's produced to the many places it's used: power plants, factories and millions of homes. Proponents want more pipelines, to replace more coal here and abroad. Opponents worry about methane leakage and local environmental impacts. We discuss with former Congressman Tim Ryan and Gillian Giannetti from Natural Resources Defense Council.
The role of the Federal Reserve's "easy money" policies in the current economic uncertainty.
COVID-19 affected more people of color than it did whites, and mixed messages in the public health response complicated efforts to turn the tide of disparity. Many communities struggled with barriers to adopting strategies to combat the virus, others struggled with knowing who to trust or what to believe.
DW News - a daily newscast from the heart of Europe. As one of the world's largest international broadcasters, Deutsche Welle provides public television viewers the unique opportunity to see our world from another perspective.
Hosted by Sumi Somaskanda, BBC NEWS AMERICA gives audiences a detailed look into news stories from around the world from the BBC news desk in Washington DC.
NEWSLINE is produced by NHK, Japan's news leading public broadcaster, featuring global news and current affairs, business, sports, science and technology trends plus global weather forecasts from over 30 news bureaus throughout the world.
Inspiring immigrant stories from those who have come to the U.S. from other nations and excelled.
Delwin Fiddler Jr. embraces Indigenous culture by returning to his ancestral home.
PBS NewsHour provides in-depth analysis of current events with a news summary, live studio interviews and discussions of domestic and international issues. Amna Nawaz and Geoff Bennett co-anchor.
The Day provides viewers with the background and analysis they need to understand the top stories of the last 24 hours. Join our Chief News Anchor Brent Goff as he puts the day's events into context and discusses them with experts and correspondents in the field.
BBC NEWS gives audiences a detailed look into news stories from around the world. Targeted to an audience looking for more depth to their daily coverage, it features field reporting with breakdowns from regional correspondents and expert guests covering a broad range of topics from breaking news to the latest in sport.
Inspiring immigrant stories from those who have come to the U.S. from other nations and excelled.
Olive and Otto must stop a villain who has turned townspeople and Odd Squad agents invisible.
In this half-hour episode, Olive is put on trial for causing oddness.
When the Wild Kratts team embarks on a pirate adventure in the Indian Ocean, they discover a very strange, other-worldly castaway.
The Tortuga is parked in the Great North and some strange noises have Koki thinking it's time for a diagnostic overhaul. As they are near Little Howler's pack territory, the bros decide to try to find the wolf pack. Unexpectedly, a raven joins Martin and Chris on their adventure and the brothers soon learn about the incredible intelligence and ingenuity of the raven.
Lyla and Louis train Stu to help at the diner. / Lyla and Luke teach Stu how to ride a scooter so he can join the Loops Family for the Roll N' Scoot community event.
Neighborhood pets, put your paws together for Woodstock-Chella-Palooza, a music festival where songs about nature are created on the spot. Nature Cat, Hal and Squeeks are so excited, ready to make up their very own nature songs. But man-oh-man, Daisy doesn’t share their enthusiasm. She has never made up a song before and doesn’t think she can do it. What a Woodstock-Chella-Palooza problem! Turtle hatching season has arrived! But before these pregnant turtles can begin laying their eggs, they need to get to the forest on the other side of the road. Easy, right? No way! It’s too dangerous for them to cross that busy road. Luckily for the soon-to-be turtle moms, Nature Cat and his crew have come to save the day. How, you may ask? Dig in to find out!
Trini's mom is coming home on military leave and Trini wants her first meal to be some famous Mumford omelets! But, when the weather get colder, chickens stop laying eggs. Can Trini figure out how to winterize the chicken coop in time?/It's Trini's first winter in Alaska, and she's not happy. Texas never got this chilly! When Molly and Tooey overhear Trini and her dad talking about moving back, they look for ways for Trini to warm up to the cold.
Hero Elementary student, Rubberband Robbie, is super stretchy. But, when he coils up into a ball and bounces all over the school, Sparks' Crew has to find a way to stop him, and to keep him from bouncing out of control again. Curriculum: When there's a problem to solve, first be sure you understand the problem. Then, figure out an idea to try. Build it. Test it. Share what you find out. Then, keep building and testing your ideas until you find a solution that works. / When Lucita flies to pick up pizza, she accidentally causes a communication tower to fall over, knocking out all phone service. How will the pizzeria get its pizza orders now? Sparks' Crew tests out different low-tech ways of communicating long-distance. Curriculum: There are many ways to send messages over long distances. Through engineering, you can design and test alternative solutions.
Who knew Hacker was a nature lover? Seems it all started many Cyber-years ago, when Motherboard banished him to the Northern Frontier. With only the trees to call his friends, Hacker developed a soft spot for the woodlands. That's why he's especially incensed when a new villain begins to zap his beloved trees into thin air. The tree-sanity must be stopped! In an unlikely pairing, the CyberSquad steps in to help Hacker. But, will they be able save the forest before it's too late?
Follow the adventures of three friends - Leo, a wombat from Australia; Carmen, a butterfly from Mexico; and Andy, a frog from the U.S. - as they traverse the globe with their parents' traveling performance troupe, "Circo Fabuloso." At each of the Circo's stops, Luna the Moon, voiced by Judy Greer, guides the trio as they get to know the local region and its people. The gang's adventures take them through cities around the globe - from London to Cairo to Beijing - where they explore the food, music, art, architecture and other features that make each place distinctive.
Based on the popular Scholastic book series by Norman Bridwell about the lovable oversized canine with his head in the clouds but four paws planted firmly on the ground, Clifford presents a larger-than-life view of the world. With his loving human, Emily Elizabeth, and dog pals, Cleo and T-Bone, Clifford inhabits a colorful island community, inviting viewers on a fun-filled journey through childhood, navigating the dips and curves along the way. CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG emphasizes good citizenship and the importance of community. Each episode concludes with a component of Clifford's Big Ideas - 10 different attributes children learn to embrace - which leaves them with something to think about and practice in their lives.
The Amazing Zero is on Sesame Street to help people by taking everything away when they need it to get to zero. Elmo wants to help the Amazing Zero and becomes Super ZerMo! They find Grover who needs to return all his library books. Super ZerMo wants to help and tries taking all of the books to the library but forgets a couple of books. Then he tries helping Grandma Nell wash her laundry but accidentally leaves a couple laundry baskets behind. Super ZerMo gives up; he can't make zero of anything. The Amazing Zero encourages Super ZerMo to not give up. They hear Abby needs help and Elmo realizes he can't give up; his friends need his help. Super ZerMo moves the bouncy balls to the playground and saves Abby's block tower. The Amazing Zero congratulates Super ZerMo. Sesame Street is in good hands with a hero like him!
It's time for the Sweet Pea Pixies to emerge from their pods in the Pinkville Community Garden, but one pixie has trouble flying. It's up to Pinkalicious and Peter to show her how to spread her wings and take off! Pinkalicious writes a song about her favorite color for school, but no matter where she goes to practice, she keeps getting interrupted by dogs barking, frogs chirping, and cows moo'ing. But why? It's almost like they like pink as much as she does.
It's MacBarm's croquet tournament and Zee made giant decorations. The only problem is that they're too giant to get to the farm./It's the opening day of the skyscraper and the Mechas need to find a way to put the sphere on top of the building before the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Elmo and Gabrielle share about what they want to be when they grow up. Gabrielle wants to be the first African American woman formula one race car driver. But Elmo isn't sure if he can be the first monster-cook-teacher-cooking teacher. Gabrielle performs a show and tells Elmo and Grover about Bessie Coleman. She shares that Bessie Coleman wanted to learn how to fly an airplane but wasn't allowed to because of the way she looked. However, Bessie Coleman didn't give up and went far away to a school that taught her how to fly an airplane no matter what she looked like. With Bessie's courage, she became the very first African American and Native American woman to fly an airplane! Thanks to Gabrielle's show, Elmo and Grover learn that just because they may be the first person to do something doesn't mean that can't do it. Elmo doesn't give up and decides to become the first monster-cook-teacher-cooking teacher.
Chef Pierre's tales inspire Milo, Lofty and Lark to want to work in his world-famous restaurant. After serving up some crazy culinary disasters, can they remember the secret to captivating cookery to prepare a dish fit for a Queen?
The key to a successful "Brother Day?" Make sure you ask the brother in question "Zeke" what he wants to do. / The key to being a successful waiter? Make sure to remember everyone's order, and the order of the orders!
Zeke and Louisa plan a house for Snout. (They might even get around to building it, if they can manage to stop arguing!) / "Hooray for Spring!" is the title of the video Kaya hopes to make ... once JunJun conquers his on-camera jitters.
Daniel and Prince Wednesday are making a lemonade stand together. But when they don't agree about how to hand out the lemonade, they need to learn to express their mad feelings so they can find a solution...and provide lemonade for their neighbors!
Daniel wants to ride in the stroller to the Music Shop, but Dad shows him that Margaret needs it./O wants to sit in the front of Trolley, but Jodi gets carsick in the back. O realizes that he doesn't need the front seat like she does.
Carl realizes his favorite sour pickle scratch-n-sniff sticker lost its smell. He must get that sour pickle smell back! / Carl notices that his baby blanket, Knit-Knit, has a hole in it. What could have happened? It's a Knit-Knit mystery!
For more than 75 years, generations of young children have been charmed by the literary adventures of Curious George. Based on the best-selling Curious George books by Margret and H. A. Rey, the daily series expands George's world to include a host of colorful new characters and original locales, while maintaining the charm of the beloved books. Each half-hour episode includes two animated stories, followed by short live-action pieces showing real kids who are investigating the ideas that George introduces in his stories. The series aims to inspire kids to explore science, math and engineering in the world around them.
It's a snow day in Someplace Else! Will Panda's pals want to do all his favorite snow activities from Planet Purple?/Bob Dog wants to win a glowy, snowy, floating fun ball, so he thinks of things he's good at to play Gameshow Gator's new snow game.
Uh oh! Donkey and Panda have different ideas for how to celebrate Best Friends Day together. Can they find a compromise?/The pals are ready to make big art, but they get stuck to a big, gooey glue bottle! Can they solve their sticky problem?
Speedy Swimming - The kids go to the local lake for a nice swim and discover that many animals can swim really fast. Elinor then notices something interesting -- ducks, along with other animals that swim, like frogs and turtles, have webbed feet. The three little scientists discover that webbed feet help these creatures get around easier in the water, which makes them swim faster. The kids are inspired by this discovery and use flippers to swim fast all over the lake!Strawberry Jam - It's Elinor's Dad's birthday and he's in great spirits, because they are doing his favorite thing - going camping. But, when Elinor and Olive plan the perfect camping breakfast, they realize they're out of strawberry jam, which he loves. What are they going to do?! The two kids set out to find some strawberries and learn how to tell which strawberries are ripe and ready to be eaten and which are not. The two girls then use the ripe strawberries to make the perfect birthday breakfast for Elinor's Dad.
Rosie's going ice skating with the Purple Knight, but when she decides not to wear a coat, she is too cold to skate. / Rosie and Javi find the perfect spot to watch the meteor shower, but it's not as perfect as they thought.
110A Because of a power outage, Rosie and Javi can't watch their movie, so they learn how people did things before there was electricity.110B The Fuentes family goes camping, but when they forget their tools, Rosie learns to use tools from nature.
Alvin Ailey shows Yadina that music and dance can help bring people together when she worries that her Spanish-speaking aunt will feel left out at her school's English concert. / Lucy Maud Montgomery shows Xavier that if he feels lonely when his friends aren't around, his imagination can keep him company.
It's Alma's great-grandmother's 100th birthday! Alma wants to find Bisabuela the perfect gift. But even though she can think of all kinds of things that Bisabuela likes, none of them are quite right. Alma has got to think hard about what Bisabuela would love to receive more than anything else.
Alma, Andre, and friends can't wait for movie night in the park! But when Andre finds out tonight's feature stars a spooky blob monster, he suddenly remembers he has to help out at the community center. Alma offers to help him finish in time, but he doesn't seem excited. What's up? Alma, Eddie, and Junior need inspiration for the "hero song" they are writing for Papi, so they join him as he tries to catch a lost parrot named Wanda. Too bad they keep scaring Wanda away. Will this hero's song remain unsung?
Lyla bakes a delicious cake without a recipe and needs to recreate it by figuring out the right ingredients. / Everett teaches his cat new tricks using sounds and symbols.
D.W. tells her friends she can skate, when she can't at all. Muffy tries to be charitable.
When Ms. O leaves to conduct a super-secret mission, the agents compete to figure out who is in charge. Then, Otis and Olympia are stuck with a new robot partner.
Agents compete against rival Odd Squad agents to solve an odd problem. Then, Otis and Olympia investigate why people in town are stuck in slow motion.
Aviva is working on a special ring chip that will super power her "inventuring," but it's stolen by a mysterious lemur. Martin and Chris are off to the rescue and along the way, they learn about the amazing world of chameleons.
Chris, bummed that the gang must leave Madagascar without ever having seen amazing fossa, accidentally falls out the hatch of the Tortuga in mid-flight and lands deep in an island forest - amongst a group of the very creatures he longed to find!
Lyla bakes a delicious cake without a recipe and needs to recreate it by figuring out the right ingredients. / Everett teaches his cat new tricks using sounds and symbols.
Monstrous pumpkins are haunting Hugo's farm! Can the gang get rid of them in time for the Halloween party? / The gang investigates the curious case of the catfish's name, and they learn all about the aquatic animal's life. Glub-glub!
Stand Back Up Inspired by real-life athletes Sharon and Shirley Firth, the first Gwich'in female Olympians, Molly trains hard to participate in a cross-country ski race where Sharon will be speaking. But cross-country skiing is not as easy as it looks, and when Molly faces some big obstacles, she must decide if she'll give up or stand back up. Seal Meal When Molly and her family go fly fishing in Bristol Bay, a hungry seal sneaks into their boat and eats their precious sockeye salmon and their lunch! Can Molly figure out a way to lure the seal away from their boat so they can get back home?
Turbo Tina is excited for her first snowfall EVER! But, some of the snow melts quickly. Can Sparks' Crew figure out why some snow is melting and some isn't? Curriculum: Sunlight warms the Earth's surface and melts snow. Seasonal patterns vary around the world. / A T-Ball Championship game is in jeopardy when all the balls go missing. Where did they go? And can Sparks' Crew come up with an alternative ball so the game can go on? Curriculum: The properties of objects involved in a collision affect the result of collisions.
Buzz sets out to throw the best birthday ever for Hacker. Nothing but the finest food, decorations, and music will do! There's just one problem - Buzz's plans will cause way too much pollution! Delete brings in the CyberSquad to help.
Follow the adventures of three friends - Leo, a wombat from Australia; Carmen, a butterfly from Mexico; and Andy, a frog from the U.S. - as they traverse the globe with their parents' traveling performance troupe, "Circo Fabuloso." At each of the Circo's stops, Luna the Moon, voiced by Judy Greer, guides the trio as they get to know the local region and its people. The gang's adventures take them through cities around the globe - from London to Cairo to Beijing - where they explore the food, music, art, architecture and other features that make each place distinctive.
110A Because of a power outage, Rosie and Javi can't watch their movie, so they learn how people did things before there was electricity.110B The Fuentes family goes camping, but when they forget their tools, Rosie learns to use tools from nature.
Alvin Ailey shows Yadina that music and dance can help bring people together when she worries that her Spanish-speaking aunt will feel left out at her school's English concert. / Lucy Maud Montgomery shows Xavier that if he feels lonely when his friends aren't around, his imagination can keep him company.
It's Alma's great-grandmother's 100th birthday! Alma wants to find Bisabuela the perfect gift. But even though she can think of all kinds of things that Bisabuela likes, none of them are quite right. Alma has got to think hard about what Bisabuela would love to receive more than anything else.
Alma, Andre, and friends can't wait for movie night in the park! But when Andre finds out tonight's feature stars a spooky blob monster, he suddenly remembers he has to help out at the community center. Alma offers to help him finish in time, but he doesn't seem excited. What's up? Alma, Eddie, and Junior need inspiration for the "hero song" they are writing for Papi, so they join him as he tries to catch a lost parrot named Wanda. Too bad they keep scaring Wanda away. Will this hero's song remain unsung?
Lyla bakes a delicious cake without a recipe and needs to recreate it by figuring out the right ingredients. / Everett teaches his cat new tricks using sounds and symbols.
D.W. tells her friends she can skate, when she can't at all. Muffy tries to be charitable.