Produced by WOUB Public Media, the documentary series visits towns large and small to uncover their histories, highlight their unique contributions to the region and explore their futures. Our Town: Athens features many historical elements including: how the glaciers shaped our hills and valleys, stories of the early native inhabitants, the formation of the Ohio Company of Associates and their journey into the Northwest Territory, the founding of Ohio University, the early industries of salt and bricks, John Newton-Templeton - the first African American student at Ohio University, heroes of the Civil War, The Athens Asylum, The Berry Hotel, The McBee Corporation, The King Midget auto company, PGA Champion Dow Finsterwald and many more! In addition to historical events and people, the documentary will also highlight how the city of Athens has preserved its history, and the many organizations dedicated to preserving that heritage today, such as The Southeast Ohio History Center, The Dairy Barn, The Mount Zion Baptist Church Preservation Society and more!
Broadcast In: English Duration: 0:56:51